What was the amendment questioned in this case?
the first admendment
What article of clothing did the protestors wear to school?
What were the students protesting?
The Vietnam War
What was the students punishment for wearing the armbands?
True or false: this trial made it to the supreme court
Where did the children go to school?
Des Moines Independent community school district
When was the case argued(Year)
Name one of the people who wore the armbands to school
John F. Tinker, Mary Beth Tinker, Christopher Eckardt
Which child went to middle school?
Mary Tinker
How many justices sided with Tinker?
When were the children suspended until?
January first
What did the U.S. court of appeals decide(Who did they side with)
Des Moines Independent Community school district
True or False: Since one student was younger and went to middle school, their suspension was not as long as the others.
How many justices voted against Tinker?
How old was John Tinker?
When did the principals meet to create a policy to remove the armbands?
December 14th
Who helped the Tinker family with their lawsuit?
The Iowa Civil liberties Union
Which previous case was used as a precedent?
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
Why did some justices dissent?
They thought the district's actions were reasonable to uphold school discipline, and that disruptive speech was not constitutionally protected.
What does ACLU stand for?
American Civil Liberties Union
Where did the kids decide to wear the armbands?
Christopher Eckardt's home
Which side did the U.S. support in the Vietnam War(North or South)?
Which circuit court was the case tried in?
Who came up with the idea of the Christmas Truce?
Robert F. Kennedy
Name one justice that dissented
Hugo Black and John M. Harlan