The valleys of the brain called?
Package neurotransmitters go into
The Vesicle
fMRI stands for...
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Neurotransmitter associated with Parkinson's
What is your favorite tidbit of info from this term?
Anything based in material
The lobe that processes visual information
The synapse is also referred to as...
The synaptic cleft
Phineas Gage is an example of what type of study
Case study
Bipolar Disorder is characterized by these two types of episodes
Manic and Depressive
What is the term for all the cells that are in the nervous system that are not neurons?
Glial cells
The relay station of the brain
Name 4 neurotransmitters
Glutamate, GABA, Dopamine, Serotonin, NE, ACh, Oxy, Neurolipids, etc.
An example of purely applied research
Medications that we know work, but don't know how
Area of the brain more active in anxiety disorders
amygdala, limbic system, prefrontal cortex are all right answers
Explain mirror neurons
Neurons that activate when you see someone else do something, empathy
The "little brain" that is responsible for coordinated movements
The two results from neurotransmission in terms of what happens to the next neuron? (Abbreviation is accepted)
What method measures "brain waves"
Name a positive symptom of schizophrenia
delusions, hallucinations
What is the syndrome in which you are unable to recognize faces IN GENERAL? NOT the condition in which you think they are an impostor
Gyrus of the parietal lobe that processes body sensation
Somatosensory cortex
The ion that results in the release of neurotransmitters when it flows in. Extra 100 points if you can name the type of channel it is.
Calcium (Voltage-dependent)
Name the methodology in which light is able to cause the depolarization of a neuron
Two types of strokes are
clot and bleed, ischemic and hemorrhagic
What is one of the two types of myelin cells?
Oligodendrocyte or Schwann cell