Pop Culture
US/Canadian History

Hosted at Augusta National every year, this golf tournament is known to bring the best in the world to compete for the coveted Green Jacket

What is The Masters


These intelligent animals, like humans, can experience fear and anxiety. Like many of us, they also worry about the future. In fact, a mother and her baby recognize each other, comfort each other and grieve when they are separated.

What is a cow


This fast food restaurant is the most popular in the world with more than 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries

What is McDonalds 


This high net worth Artist holds the record for the most Grammy nominations, 88 in total.

Who is Beyoncé 


When this Federal Standard went into effect in 1938, it was .25 cents an hour; today, it's $7.25

What is Minimum Wage 


Helping the popularity of peanuts and crackers jacks, this classic baseball song is sung during the 7th inning stretch

What is "Take Me Out to the Ballgame?"


Several studies have shown that this animal is even smarter than dogs or cats, and they are able to solve problems quicker than many primates. Their cognitive abilities can be compared to those of a three-year-old human.

What is a pig


This nut from the State Tree of Texas is a Southern Pie Staple

What is a Pecan 


This international sporting icon boasts the most followed page on the worlds largest platform for pictures, Instagram   

Who is Cristiano Ronaldo?


This Colonial inventor suggested Daylight Savings Time

Who is Benjamin Franklin 


Played with a ball and stick, this is the official sport of our neighbors up north in Canada, eh!

What is Lacrosse 


Koalas have adapted their diet with an extra-long gut to break down poisons in these leaves & sleep 20 hours a day due to a lack of nutrition in the leaves.

What is Eucalyptus 


This country is the second largest fast food market after the United States

What is China


This day comes every autumn and has been dubbed "Mean Girls Day"

What is October 3rd?


This Trans-Continental transportation company was established in 1881. Connecting Canada and the U.S. 

What is the Canadian Pacific Railway


Named after the gold hunters of this city, this football team holds the record for most points scored in a Super Bowl  

Who are the San Francisco 49ers?


The 2-toed one of these can live up to 20 years, most of it upside down in the canopy of the rainforest.

What is a sloth 


This pasta is a two to three inch wide noodle with straight or ribbed edges

What is... Lasagna?


This early 2000s Rom Com directed by Joel Zwick is the high grossing movie in its genre 

What is "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"


Thomas Jefferson appointed this man, his personal secretary, to lead an expedition to try and find the N.W. Passage  

Who is Meriwether Lewis


An endurance race held every year on Memorial Day, this NASCAR event is hosted at what is considered the racing capital of the US

What is the Indianapolis 500?


This fearsome predator gets the first part of its name from the stripes on its sides.

What is a Tiger Shark 


Orange butter sauce doused in Grand Marnier and Prepared in a Chafing Dish with it's flame on for this Crepe Dish

What is... Crepes Suzette?


This pop culture icon has a failed Rap career, has been a host on various talent shows and has 11 kids, with a 12th on the way...

Who is Nick Cannon 


Gold was first discovered in Canada on a tributary of this river in 1896. It's also a very popular Ice Cream treat

What is the Klondike 
