Name one place to look for a job?
Online, newspaper ad, social media, friend
True of False: You should set your interview clothes out the night before an interview
True. Why stress about what you will wear the day of?
True of False: You should never smile and introduce yourself at the beginning of an interview.
False. You should ALWAYS
True or False: Thank you cards and emails after an interview are super lame
Places you can look for a job
online, newspaper, job boards, word of mouth
Past supervisor, teacher, trusted adult
Describe an outfit you would wear to an interview?
Long pants, button up shirt, dress, blouse, clean, unwrinkled, no holes etc.
What should you talk about when they ask you "tell me about yourself"
Education, hobbies related to the job, why you applied, etc.
True or False. It is okay to call every day after your interview to see if you were hired.
False. It is okay to follow up a few days after but do not call daily. You will be annoying.
True or False: When you ask for an application, it doesnt matter what you are wearing and if you are polite.
False. Asking for the application is your first impression.
What is a cover letter?
A letter to the hiring manager that explains why you applied and why you believe you are a good fit for the job.
What could you do if you weren't familiar with where your interview will be?
Drive by, take a practice run. Make sure you know where you are going the night before.
Name one question you could ask at the end of the interview?
Typical day, work uniform, etc. Always ask at least one.
Name one thing you can do if you were not offered the job.
Ask for feedback and practice more, understand that rejection can be a normal part of the job search.
Name one thing you should look for to see if you are qualified for a job?
education required, experience and skills required, ability to do the tasks
What is a resume?
A summarization of your work experiences, education and skills that qualify you for the job.
In front of a mirror, with a partner, in the car etc.
True or False: If they ask you to share a weakness you should say you have none.
False. Everyone has weaknesses, the tip here is to talk more about what you are doing to improve.
What forms of identification will you need in order to start a job?
or Passport
Name one thing you could do if you wanted more information about what a job does?
How many applications does it take to get a job?
It only takes one! If you fill it out neatly and completely you will increase your chances.
What should you do when you are at the workplace waiting for your interview?
Name one thing you should always say at the end of your interview.
Thank you for your time.
True or False: you should never celebrate if you get a job
False! Celebrate away!