Match the Credential Focus
Culturally Diverse
CDA Application Process
CDA Exam Prep

Breastmilk and/or formula fed only.

What is infants. 

True or false: Displaying different flags from various countries in the classroom, interchanging terms in different languages based on the children's home countries, and exploring different cultural traditions is a way of creating a culturally diverse classroom. 

What is true?


True or False: I can apply for my credential while completing coursework in the CDA program. 

What is false. 


Which of the following is age appropriate for infants? 

A: Rattle

B: Unbreakable Mirror

C: Jingle Bells Attached to Socks

D. All of the Above

What is D, all of the above. 


1:6 teacher to child ratio usually in a home based child care setting.

What is family childcare credential focus.


Infants are exploring sensory play. True or False: Offering cultural items for them to touch, feel, smell, and see in water and/or sand sensory bins from America is a culturally diverse activity. 

What is false.


How many work experience hours does an applicant need when applying for his or her credential with the Council for Professional Recognition?

What is 480 work experience hours. 


What does inclusion mean? Choose one of the following options below. 

A. Children with disabilities stay at home with their parents. 

B: Children with disabilities go to organizations that can help them. 

C: Children with special needs attend regular classrooms that accommodate them. 

D: Children with special needs go to special classes. 

What is C, children with special needs attend regular classrooms that accommodate them. 


Diced fruit, mashed potatoes, softly steamed vegetables, and minced chicken. Milk or water is offered for children to choose from. What age group of children is the lunch prepared for?

What is toddlers.


Musical chairs is happening and the children are excited to move to music from various cultures. This cultural activity is taking place in a _______ classroom. Fill in the blank.

What is preschool. 


True or False: I do not need to have a site visit done before becoming credentialed by the Council for Professional Recognition. 

What is false. 


Complete the statement by choosing one of the options below. 

Children grow ______________. 

A: ...when adults teach them.

B: their own pace.

C: ...when adults tell them what to do. 

D: ...based on what they are taught by their teachers. 

What is B, children grow at their own pace.


A class is beginning to learn about race and diversity, differences in people, families, and cultures. Children bring in photos from home and together the class creates a photo album. During this activity, children are able to share information about their photos and families. What age group would this activity be appropriate for?

What is two-year olds three-year olds. 

After reading together as a class Spaghetti in a Hotdog Bun (a story about children being different), children complete a class activity. Which option is most culturally diverse for the activity for preschool age children. 

Option 1: For lunch, children eat spaghetti in a hotdog bun. 

Option 2: For lunch, students bring in meals from home that are their favorites. Lunch is held as family style, allowing children to talk about their meals. 

What is option 2. 

It is also important to note that meals must be prepared in case children are unable to bring meals. To help them still participate, allow them to share what they would have brought in for lunch and afterwards do another classroom activity where all children can fully participate. 


An applicant can submit work experience hours for their application from more than one learning center if need be. How far back can the Council for Professional Recognition accept hours to count towards the applicants 480 total hours?

What is three years prior to the application month. 


NAEYC is the acronym for ______. Choose the correct option below. 

A: National Association for the Education of Youth

B: National Association for Young Children

C: National Association for the Education of Young Children

D: Native American Education Youth Council

What is C, National Association for the Education of Young Children


Tumble Tower: Based on the following activity, which age group would this be for? 

In pairs or small groups, invite the children to build the tallest tower they can build. Ask the children to take turns by each adding one brick at a time to the tower encouraging them to work together to make sure the tower doesn't topple over. Once the tower is built as tall as the children desire, invite them to take it down as quickly as possible deciding as a pair or group on which blocks to remove first, etc. 

What is four-year olds, or preschool children. 


Counting objects in various languages from 1 - 10, naming colors, shapes, and objects in other languages are daily classroom tasks for ____ to practice ongoing cultural diversity. What is the correct age group to fill in the blank. 

What is toddlers. 

If interested, students can apply for more than one CDA credential. 

What is yes. 

Students can apply for more than one credential, but it's important to know that another 480 work experience hours, another portfolio and PD Specialist visit must be completed for the age range the applicant is applying for the second time around.


What must a mandated reporter do? 

A: Report suspected cases of child abuse.

B: Must report contagious diseases.

C: Neither A or B

D: Both A and B

What is A, report cases of child abuse. 
