The current XO of Titan Company
Who is XO Chipper?
The highest rank in the 104th battalion
What is Marshal Commander?
An ARC Sergeant is close to the armies _______
What is a Sergeant Major?
The founders of revamped Titan
Who is Azod and Tanker?
In what year did the clone wars begin
What is 22 BBY?
Head of 104th Battalion
Who is Marshal Commander Sinker?
minimum rank you have to be to give troopers names
What is a Sergeant Major?
What is the Rising Phoenix Trials?
Unit of Titan Company originally
What is a squad?
In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, one man voiced millions of different characters
Who is Dee Bradley Baker?
The clone that sacrificed himself during the Umbaran ARC
Who is Hardcase?
minimum army rank to change a troopers class
What is a Lieutenant?
Special Force's ARC General is ______
Who is ARC General Glock?
The original intention for Titan Companies Staff Lounge compared to Staff Chat
What is memes?
In what episode were we first introduced to the 104th Battalion
Who is Captain Keeli
Who controls a specific console
What is Major?
In the past Titan Company had a ARC Trooper on their payroll
Who is ASGT Polska?
In December of 2019, which Titan Staff member was promoted to the rank of 2LT
What is 2LT Azod?
The planet Savage Opress found maul
What is Lotho Minor?
On the cheek of CO Tanker, a ______ is positioned
What is the English Flag?
On what day was Azod's last announcement as Commanding Officer of Titan
What is the 20th of April?
The name of the S.O.B for Special Forces
What is the Special Operations Brigade?
The outcome of OG Titan
What is kicked from the 104th?
On what Popular Hyperspace lane was Ryloth located
What is the Corellian Run?