What does "tithe" mean?
It comes from the Old English word meaning "tenth."
Where do all of our tithes go?
To God!
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on ______, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in _________."
Earth, heaven.
Which tithe helps pay our ministers?
First tithe.
Tithing is the way of _________.
How many different types of tithe are mentioned in scripture?
True or false- the characters of the Old Testament did not tithe.
What book in the Pentateuch mentions that tithes are holy to the Lord?
Leviticus (27:30)
Which tithe pays for us to meet on Sabbath in this building?
First tithe.
Tithing is the best financial ____________.
What is first tithe?
First tithe goes to The Church and supports preaching the gospel.
Which character gave a tenth of his possessions to God while beside famous stone?
They did, though they were scolded for "neglecting the weightier matters of the law."
Are we allowed to use second tithe for spring holy days?
Yes. The primary function of second tithe is to enable us to assemble together for the Feast of Tabernacles, which is 7 days long. However, the spring holy days also have associated costs.
Today, the Church asks members to tithe on their net income instead of their gross income. What does this mean?
The gross income is the amount before taxes have been deducted. The net income is the amount a person has left for spending.
What is second tithe?
Second tithe goes towards our festival fund and allows us to attend God's commanded Feast days.
What book towards the end of the Old Testament mentions that failure to tithe is robbing God?
Malachi (3:8). "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say "In what way have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings."
What is the difference between tithes and offerings?
Should members today who own a farm tithe of their produce?
This depends on several factors. Is the farm a large or commercial size or is this a mini garden in the back of their homes? Some members with commercial size farms will choose to contribute 10 percent of earnings from the farm, as opposed to literal produce, as produce is no longer a generalized form of monetary exchange. It also depends on conscience, as Paul discusses.
What is third tithe?
Third tithe goes towards needy members that need assistance and help attending the Feast.
Who is Melchizedek?
Christ was in human form as Melchizedek. We see proof of this in the book of Hebrews and how Abraham addresses Him.
Which one of our memory scriptures mentions that true religion is caring for the orphans and widows in their trouble?
James 1:27
On which holy days are we required to bring our offerings before God?
The Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Why does the Church no longer require members to pay third tithe?
High governmental taxes support many programs to pay for the needy in our country. We want members to have a liveable wage, and those who are able to give a third tithe or donations are encouraged to help support the work of the Church this way.