Why is cost cutting an example of a negative win-win situation.
The company get's more sales and the buyers get the product for less but...
Over time the profit will be lower making the company not make as much. It can close
Is this a win-win situation.
You want to get payed more, so your boss offers you overtime.
How to change this to a win-win situation. A seller sells a shirt for 15 dollars for a five dollar profit. A buyer bargains it for 10 dollars.
The buyer buys it at the actual cost.
What country is west of Poland
What color is the sun
What is the bad outcome? Ordering fast food
A worker gets paid, you are full, and the meal was cheap
Most fast food is not healthy 👎
Your friends want you to hang out but you have a project to work on. What do you do to make it a win-win situation.
Get how much work you want to get done on the project and then hang out with friends. This avoids procrastination.
Why are championships an example of a win-lose situations.
Because there are teams that are going to lose.
What is the most venomous animal
The box-jellyfish
what is Velma's catch-line in scooby doo
Why could sharing food result in a win-win situation but with a bad outcome
Someone could get sick
Who can come up with the best win win situation
A country needs more land for their growing population. How can this result in a win-lose situation.
If the country takes land that does not belong to them through things like battles.
What is the capital of Hungary
how many 0's in Decillion
What could be a negative effect of working over time and getting more work done for a company
Overtime it could tired you out, The company has to pay you more.
Is this an example of a win win situation,
Deer in a part of Washington state are over-populating.
The government added wolves into the forests to keep this low.
Over time the amount of wolves will increase making the deer population too low.
A glass company has an order for a lot of glass. To get this glass done they make the glass very quickly. Why could this result in a win-lose situation.
The glass could be made weak and easy to break.
Who is the lead singer of Queen
Freddie Murcury
What kind of fish is Dory for finding nemo
blue tang 🧑🏫
What is the bad outcome..
A physics teacher teaches their students about important life lessons like taxes, job interviews etc.
The physics lesson does not get teached 😿
What is the outcome of riding a bus.
Less gas is used helping the environment, less CO2 get released into the air and people riding the bus don't spend as much on gas.
A sign-up for a promotion is put in place where anyone worker could see if they can get it. One worker receives the promotion. How could this be a win-lose situation
Another worker did not get the promotion making it a win-lose.
What year did the Berlin Wall fall
What colors are in the armenian flag
red, blue, yellow