The first two steps in making this dish are pouring chips on a plate then covering them in cheese
What are Nachos
Swim to race
What is Swimming
This man had a 74 win-streak
Who is Ken Jennings
This was the man who received the stone tablets containing the ten commandments on them
Who was Moses
This country has the same name of an extremely fancy style of plate
What is China
Run in a whole circle as a race
What is the 400 Mt.
This Las Vegas sports bettor has the record of most winnings in one game of Jeopardy, 131K
Who is James Holauzher
In Mathew, Mark, and Luke, this disciple is known as Bartholomew, but in John, he is called this name
Who was Nathaniel
This instrument has 88 keys on the grand scale
What is a Piano
You play soccer, but in the olympics, you call it this
What is Football
This is the highest winning Canadian on Jeopardy
Who is Metea Rouche
Joseph in the Old Testament's younger brother was Benjamin, but you probably don't know this name, the one of his oldest brother
Who was Judah
In recent studies, this Japanese rice cake has been known to suffocate people 65 and older
What are Mochi
Where you throw a spear a long as you can
What is Javelin
One of the greatest moments in Jeopardy history, this woman broke the longest streak in Jeopardy
Who is Nancy Zur
This was the last prophet, and the only one to live while Jesus was living
Who was John the Baptist
This is a Swedish measurement of volume
What is Chopin
You throw a frisbee as far as you can
What is Discus
This was the first president of the US, according to congress at the time, but now, it is decided that Washington was the first president
Who was John Hanson
This man only had a five day winning streak, but he is currently the highest winning Jeopardy contestant of all-time
Who is Brad Rutter
The three men thrown into the furnace were Shadrach, Mesach, and him
Who was Adendigo