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Terms & Terminologies
It's All About the Benjamins Baby! $$

Also known as the Aid for Institutional Development program, this federally funded program supports improvements in educational quality, management and financial stability at qualifying postsecondary institutions. Funding is focused on institutions that enroll large proportions of minority and financially disadvantaged students with low per-student expenditures. From its inception, one of the primary missions of this program has been to support the nation's HBCUs.

What is Title III?


The acronym for Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

What is HBCU?


These are acceptable forms of supporting documentation.

What are invoices and receipts?


The federal agency that administers Title III funds.

Who is the DOE or the Department of Education?


The acronym "Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education" Act.

What is FUTURE?


A detailed narrative for each budget line item.

What is a budget narrative or justification?


This funding stream authorizes the Strengthening HBCUs program award grants to eligible institutions to assist them in strengthening their academic, administrative, and fiscal capabilities.

What is Title III Part B?


The deadline that we need activity impact data from Activity Directors by.

What is December 20, 2023


This is the link in Jenzabar you go to find all your expenses by account number and to calculate your remaining balance.

What is Account Transactions?


This critical stream of mandatory funding helps eligible colleges and universities enhance their fiscal stability, improve their institutional management, and strengthen their academic programming, with a particular focus on high-demand career areas, like careers in STEM fields.

What is Title III Part F?

A description of the institution’s strategy for how it proposes to achieve growth and self-sufficiency by strengthening its financial management and academic programs.

What is the Comprehensive Development Plan or CDP?


The process of reviewing transactions and supporting documentation, and resolving any discrepancies that are discovered.

What is budget reconciliation?


Grant funds shall be used so that they supplement and, to the extent practical, increase the funds that would otherwise be available for the activities to be carried out under the grant and in no case supplant those funds.

What is supplement not supplant?


A yearly report due to the federal government if you have a federal grant. The reporting system is available to grantees October 1 of each calendar year and closes 90 days thereafter.

What is APR or Annual Performance Report?


These are the areas of a requisition that require input from you.

What are all the areas with red titles and requested for?
