Employee Fun Facts 1
Employee Fun Facts 2
TitleVest Trivia
Employee Fun Facts 3
Employee Fun Facts 4

I have my business logo tattooed on my ankle.

Who is Katie Blacknick?


I was Princess Christmas in my youth.

Who is Iris Barzallo?

What year was TV acquired by FA?

When was 2015?


I went from proposing to engaged to married in 48 hours, with the engagement lasting the NYC minimum of 24 hours.

We didn’t decide my child’s name until we were filling out the paperwork to leave the hospital, with the middle name decided by coin flip.  

Who is Jacob Bednar?


I speak 3 languages.

I once walked into Magic Kingdom without paying.

I have an extensive Disney pin collection.

Who is Sebastian Ayanian?


I have beaten 2 current NBA players in a game of basketball.

My smoked ribs recipe finished 5th in a SoCal cookoff.

I hold PRO level status in all Wii sports.

Who is Collin Hernandez?


I wanted to be an FBI agent when I was younger & I would act out survival tactics.

I build almost everything from scratch.

I can remember any set of numbers forever.

Who is Jessica Mack?


What was the first office address for TitleVest?

What is 14 E 34th St?


I spent last summer drawing a 6' long picture of Britney Spears for a friend's birthday.

I read 146 books last year.

My pet pigeons are named Quincy and Pearl.

Who is Bonnie Jerro?


I've been to Coachella twice.

I spent 2 weeks in a Siberian Russian village.

My 1st job was for a woman who designed glass ornaments that were sold in high end department stores like Bergdorf Goodman.

Who is Marilyn Newton?


I am a dual citizen.

I share my birthday with my wife.

I stopped a moving train in Switzerland.

Who is Alain Crete?


I have run every day for over 900 days.

I taught English to high school students in Paris.

Who is Liz Mamer-Barrett?


Which current team member has worked at TV for the longest amount of time?

Who is Nicky Palache?

I can eat Chipotle every day and not get sick of it.

In Junior High, I was an extra in a cable TV movie starring Mickey Rourke. My screen time was about 2 seconds for 1 day of filming.

One summer I was gifted a season pass to Six Flags and went 4 times in 1 week.

Who is Eric Leung?


I grew up in a small town and have become my family's historian. I keep a record of all 120+ living relatives with a monthly family roll call via Zoom.

I am in the process of creating a family quilt.

Who is Kenyatta Thorne?


I've been to the State Geography Bee.

I've gone summer skiing in the French Alps.

While on a family vacation, we had our picture taken by the late great news anchor, Peter Jennings.

Who is Steven Joy?

I've moved over 15 times and have lived in 3 different countries.

I have an incredible memory & have impressed my teachers with my ability to memorize fairy tale books and recite them word for word in the 1st grade.

Who is Chelsy Lee-Bobrov?


What is a floor we occupied at 44 Wall Street?

What are 10 and 16?


My cat asks to watch TV and enjoys both watching and trying to catch moving objects on the screen.

Journey drummer, Deen Castronovo, was a regular at one of my old jobs.

Who is Elizabeth Hardy?


In 4th grade, I saved my dad's life while I was home from school the day before Thanksgiving. I won the "Do the Right Thing Award" presented by the city.

A bat flew down and struck me in the face during Easter mass while I was serving as an alter boy.

Who is Ken Slattery?


I have 6 younger siblings.

I sang on the Dreamworks movie: Joseph - King of Dreams soundtrack at 16.

Anthony Anderson from the show Blackish is my 2nd cousin.

Who is Candace Newman?


I demanded to verify a Power of Attorney at a closing I attended of a New York Ranger that was busy playing in a Stanly Cup game that day before I knew who he was.

Who is Kristin Buksa?


What did Brian rip up during a Town Hall Meeting?

What is money?


I've broken my nose 3 times. All 3 times I did it to myself (twice while being at work and the 3rd time I ended up with a nose cast).

Who is Arianna Hrycyszyn?


My dream is to have a food truck where I sell food and baked goods one day.

I once worked for a doctor whos patients were all well-known celebrities. When hired, I was told I couldn't make small talk with the patients. FYI - Liam Neeson is not very nice.

Who is Maria Vidal-Addoo?
