Ambulatory II/HBC
Describe the process your clinic follows when a patient must be transferred to a higher level of care, e.g. ED?
ANSWER: Staff should articulate how transportation is arranged and by whom; the hand-off process (Use of ambulatory transfer form, dictated notes, verbal report, and call report to the receiving area).
When educating patients to medications, what important points should teaching include?
ANSWER: A. Importance of follow-up monitoring. B. Compliance. C. Drug food interactions. D. Potential for adverse drug reaction and interactions.
Where do you find Management Plans? What is your internal Security Code?
Found in the Red Book in the Mail Room(Must have Fire Plan, Tornado, Disruption of Service and Emergency Management Plan including site specific emergency code. Also HVA). Also has in it the MSDS information) Your internal Security Code is: DR GRAY
What is the 2012 National Patient Safety Goals?
The purpose of the NPSG is to improve patient safety. The goals focus on problems in health care safety and how to solve them.
What is the number to dial for a security emergency or fire and what number is for MEDICAL EMERGENCIES?
911 for all other emergencies OTHER THAN MEDICAL MECICAL EMERGENCIES: including blood/body fluid exposure, needle stick, code blue, please dial 115
Have staff demonstrate accessing SRS: A.    Patient incident (e.g., fall) B.    Staff injury C. ADE
access through: or Duke Health System Intranet or OESO Duke online (dropdown box under SERVICES)
How do you know the patient and/or caregiver understands the information they have been taught? Who can the patient/caregiver contact if they have questions following discharge?
ANSWER: Patient and/or caregiver can articulate and/or demonstrate information imparted. Contact information should be provided prior to discharge that includes contact person and phone number."
What is a Blue Bin? What is Stericycle Waste? What is a Sharpes Container used for? Where is the Emergency Eye Wash located? Where should soiled linen be placed?
The Blue Bin is for pharmaceutical Waste. Stericycle waste is for expired and unused meds to be discarded in. the Sharpes container holds needles, scapels, broken glasses and used cautery irons. Soiled linen should be placed in the hamper inside the soiled linen room in the Retina Clinic. The Emergency Eyewash and sterilization of instruments and laser lenses are to be placed in the Soiled Linen Room as well
How do we identify patients correctly? How do we prevent infections?
Use at least two ways to identify patients. For example, use the patient’s name and date of birth. This is done to make sure that each patient gets the correct medicine and treatment. Use the hand hygeine guidelines for prevention and the spread of infections
e. Staff can explain and/or staff is observed complying with the hand hygiene policy
" Staff performs hand hygiene: 1. Before and after every patient contact. 2. Before and after an invasive procedure such as insertion of IV catheter or surgical procedure even if gloves are worn. 3. After contact with blood or body fluids or non-intact skin even if gloves are worn. 4. After contact with used, contaminated equipment or soiled environmental surfaces even if gloves are worn. See policy in Infection Control Manual under Basic Principles: Hand Hygiene. "
4. Does your clinic perform invasive procedures? If so, can you describe the universal protocol procedure used? 1. Describe the role of each team member and how they actively participate during a time out.
Elements should include: A. Pre-procedure verification including H&P, signed consent form, pertinent test results B. Marking the procedure site by the provider, with initials of person present at procedure. C. Conducting/documenting a time-out that includes pt. identity, correct site, and procedure to be done.
E. Where is patient education documented and by whom?
In back of the chart (Educational documentation) or blue form
What is PPS? When should this be used?
This includes: a mask, gloves, gown, and eye wear and should be worn for a blood or small chemical spill or for a patient with isolation precautions. "Regarding gloves, staff: 1. wear gloves for procedures that might involve contact with blood or body fluids. 2. wear gloves when handling potentially contaminated patient equipment. 3. remove soiled gloves before moving to next task. "
How do we use Medication Safely?
Before a procedure, label medicines that are not labeled. For example, medicines in syringes, cups and basins. Do this in the area where medicines and supplies are set up Take extra care with patients who take medicines to thin their blood (FA's pts w/kidney problems).
Storage and use of sterile supplies and equipment:
Items should be on shelves, off floors, at least 12-18" in from sink, there is a clear seperation of clean and dirty, medications seperated from chemical and clerical supplies
If control drugs are delivered to your clinic by a courier or nurse , what process does your clinic follow to verify the accuracy of your order?
ANSWER: The nurse and courier, or another nurse inventories the content of the package to verify that order is correct and packages are properly sealed. Signatures of those doing the verification are captured on the IR 100 form or separate clinic form and filed. "
What is your clinics Performance Improvement Project? Where is it located?
Your Performance Improvement Project is: Improving Communication and it is posted in the mail room.
What are 4 safety hazards to look out for in a exam lane or work room?
Table top/and boxes on the floor. Unbundled electric cords and wiring. Food or drinks near blood, body fluids, computers, or chemicals, and that equipment/furniture is able to sustain the maxium weight of patients.
What is Universal Protocol and how do we prevent mistakes in surgery?
Correct patient, correct side, correct site
What is disinfectant spray ever used for? What is an SRS?
Virex 256 or cavi wipes are used foor blood spills. After a near miss or actual incident occurs we go online to SRS to document this
Following the initial administration of a medication (e.g. allergy injection, new medication, etc), who is responsible for monitoring the patient’s response and for how long should monitoring be?
Answer: Per clinic specific...trainined designee should visually monitor the pt. How long: answer per majority clinic pooled is 15-30 min monitoring
Desribed your role related to falls prevention? How do you hand off/communicate to other staff members pts. risk for falling? Who is your falls champion?
excerses vigilance to identify pts. who may require assistance walking or standing, if unsteady assist to safety, leave door open if pt. is alone, educate pt and family on falls prevention & (if fallen-have pt. triaged, fill out SRS) share handoff info via pt. transfer form, IDX, yellow falling star cards. Leslie Koonce is your Falls Champion.
How does Duke employees handle preventative maintenance, and equipment not working or breaks down during use with pt.
Preventative maintenance is clinical engineering doing inspections on all electrical equipment used with patients INCLUDING LOANERS, and when a piece of equipment breaks during pt. use..the patient is moved to safety, the equipment tagged (red tag-out of order) and clinical engineering called immediately for service.
How should Medication and solutions be verified? ways
2 ways: verbally and visually
4 practices to utilize while observing infection control safety:
1.Medications if opened, should be labeled and seperated, single dose is SINGLE DOSE 2. Cleaning/disinfectant of surfaces between every pt. (ridding of used linen whether soiled or not) 3. Use of alcohol to ROBUSTLY wipe the rubber septum before use/piercing 4. Must know Contact Isolation Procedures and how to access it on the computer