Environmental of Care
Language Access
Informed Consent
Allegations of Sexual or Physical Abuse
Patient Rights

Hospital Policy EOC.01

What is environment of care program?


Hospital Policy I160

What is language access for patients and families?


Hospital Policy C132

What is informed consent?


Hospital Policy A260

What is allegation of sexual misconduct involving a patient?


Hospital Policy D100

What is patient and visitor abusive and discriminatory behavior?


The hospital implements IP&C activities when cleaning & performing low-level disinfection of medical equipment, devices & supplies.

What is contact/wet time for disinfecting wipes.

Orange top – 4 mins

Purple top – 2 mins

Red top – 3 mins


The hospital provides language interpretive & translation services in the following ways in person, via telephone or video.

What is hospital-employed language interpreters, contract interpreting services, or trained bilingual staff?


The process by which patients must be informed so that they may fully participate in their care. It’s a conversation between pt and their provider.

What is informed consent?


Describe what staff need to do if they receive an allegation of sexual misconduct in the hospital or hospital off-site location.

What is immediate focus and attention on safety of the patient, follow escalation procedure & enter KEEPSAFE report?


Describe the resources available to provide to patients on how to fill out an advance directive.

What is PSA & SW/CC?


Describe what you would do in the event of an active shooter in the hospital or hospital offsite location.

What is Avoid, Barricade Confront (ABC)?


For patients whose preferred language is not English, describe where to find evidence that Interpreter Services was utilized.

What is consent forms, new diagnosis, patient education flowsheets, or discharge education?


List providers who assess capacity when the patient is believed to lack decision-making capacity due to a mental illness.

Who is two attending physicians, and one must be a board certified or board eligible psychiatrist?


Describe what you would do if confronted with a challenging patient, family member or visitor who is exhibiting escalating aggressive behavior.

What is escalation protocol: Call Security & or NYPD if threat to staff/property, involve clinicians to manage behavior, notify supv., Contact PSA/AOC, consult psych, consider discharge for stable pts?


Upon admission, staff provides patients with written information on Advance Directives known as The Patient Guide. Registration staff provides the following when a patient presents to ambulatory care areas.

What is Patient Information Notice (PIN) form?  This includes information on NYP policy for Advance Directives and resources available for advance directive.


Describe actions to take in the event of a fire.

What is RACE – Rescue, Alarm, Confine Extinguish/Evacuate?


Describe circumstances where VRI may not be effective for interpretation.

What is Patients with significant cognitive impairment or severe pain/emotional distress During labor, during family meeting with 4 or more people, when providing life threatening or life altering medical information, when there are space restrictions?


List 3 exceptions where the consent of a parent or legal guardian is not required and minors below 18 years may consent for a procedure.

What is emancipated minor, prenatal care, runaway, or homeless youth, adolescent GYN, treatment for STDs?


TRUE or FALSE: The hospital does not bill patients or insurers or seek reimbursement for sexual assault care and/or treatment and related services including providing transportation after care.

What is TRUE: NYP has a non-billing policy for sexual assault victims.


Hospital process for notifying a patient’s support person about admission, transfer, and discharge.

What is SMS message?


Describe the social determinants of health (SDoH), provide 2 examples and for a bonus 100 points, list ED/outpatient & inpatient screeners for SDoH.

What is condition in which people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health and quality of life outcomes and risks, Housing, food, utilities & transportation? Who are CHW, Patient Navigators (ED/outpt) and SW/CM (inpt areas)?


Clinical staff providing 1:1 direct clinical communication in their patient’s preferred language when they are fluent in said language and assessed to do so.

What is Linguistic clinical communicator (LCC) assessment?


Provides consent for procedures and end of life decisions for pts without capacity who reside in OPWDD facilities or receive services funded by OPWDD and have no HCP or surrogates.

What is Surrogate Decision-Making Committee (SDMC)?


TRUE or FALSE: If a medical chaperone is required or requested but is unavailable, the healthcare provider will reschedule or defer until one is available.

What is TRUE? Unless emergency care is required.


The two questions that a patient may ask a patient with a service animal and areas where service animals are not permitted.

What is

(1) if the dog is a service animal required because of a disability, and

2) what work or task the dog has been trained to perform.

Exclusion areas include:

· Intensive Care Units · Operating Rooms · Recovery Rooms · Labor & Delivery Rooms · Burn Units · Procedure Rooms where sterile technique is required
