Who is the person with Green skin?
Who is the main VK?
Why is Jessie their nanny?
Because Zuri asks her
Where is Moana from?
What are the new emotions?
Anxiety, Envy, Enui, Embarrassment, Nostalgia
Who is Glinda’s crush?
How does Mal get purple hair ?
Because a hairdresser paints it
Who are the kids?
Emma, Luke, Ravi and Zuri
Get lost (finish the lyrics) ——- ———. ——- ——— ——-
Get loose. Lose your way
Who is the girl ?
What is the name of the school?
Shiz University
Why is Audrey mad at Mal?
Because she took her place
What’s their parents job?
Movie actors and actress
Why doesn’t Moana want to leave ?
She doesn’t want to leave her sister
who is the main character
Joy and Anxiety
Why is Elphaba mad at the wizard?
Because he captured the animals in Oz and made them not talk.
Why is Red mad at her mom?
Because her mom wants her to be evil?
What are the parent’s names?
Christina and Morgan
What’s Moana’s sisters name ?
Why does Riley move
Because of her dads work
What happens when Elphaba says the spell?
Monkeys grow wings and fly
Why does Red use the pocket watch?
So she can steal her mom’s deck of cards
Where is Jessie from?
Who saves them from the storm ?
What’s Riley’s dark secret
she burnt the rug and peed in pool