Name at least 1 ingredient that was in yesterday's recipe.
Options: Rice Chex, Cheerios, White Chocolate Chips, Popcorn, M&M's, Pretzels
What has been your favorite STEM lab, and why?
Many Optons
This famous artist is known for the flowers and landscapes she paints.
Georgia O'Keeffe
What are some feeling words from the red zone?
Options: Mad, Hands On, Yelling, Angry, Upset, Mean
What is the name of the recipe we made yesterday?
Bunny Bait
What is an example of a Forensic Science Stem Lab?
Options: Handwriting Analysis, Investigating Fingerprints, Using Ink Chromatography, Impression Evidence
What is your birthdate?
Many Options?
This famous scientist is known for being a famous African American female pilot.
Bessie Coleman
What are some feeling words from the green zone?
Options: calm, happy, focused, prepared, ready to learn
What does it mean to double a recipe?
Multiple the recipe 2x.
What is an example of an Alternative Energy STEM Lab?
What is the name of your emergency contact person?
Many options
This famous female scientist is known for her computer programming.
Ada Lovelace
What are some feeling words from the blue zone?
Options: sad, lonely, tired, bored, shy, hurt
What do we always do before preparing/cooking food?
Wash our hands!
What is an example of a Flight Principles STEM Lab?
Options: Basic Rocketry, Aircraft Control Systems, Lift and Drag, Rotary Aircraft
What is your address - number and street name?
Many Options
This famous African-American male scientist is known as a Botanist and for working with peanuts.
George Washington Carver
What are some feeling words from the yellow zone?
What does it mean to triple a recipe?
Multiply the recipe 3x
Which STEM labs did Mrs. Gillespie join us for?
Options: Lift and Drag and Aircraft Control Systems
What is your emergency contact's phone number?
Many Options
These famous brothers are known for pioneering aviation/flight.
The Wright Brothers
Mrs. Casado came home to her favorite foods and beautiful flowers. What zone is she in?
Green Zone!