Funds of Knowledge
Sociopolitical Context in US
Media Watch
About Becka and Saray

What is confianza?

relations of trust between families and educators


What do we need to do first, before engaging in ABAR work?

Self-awareness, self-reflection, self-examination, etc.


Can a dress code be a part of a zero-tolerance policy at a school?

YES. Children get "dress coded", disciplined, and sent home because of how they dress often in the U.S.


We talked about teacher burnout earlier this semester. Name 2 signs of teacher burnout that we've discussed.

-lack of energy/exhaustion

-feeling negative

-reduced ability to do your job

-mentally distanced from your job


TRUE OR FALSE: Saray is a Libra

FALSE. Becka is a Libra. Saray is a Taurus.


Why do we use a Funds of Knowledge framework in our program?

To support students' socioemotional development, to understand the way students live and learn, to help build relationships with families and communities, etc.


True or false: Appreciating differences and treating others with respect will eliminate oppression

FALSE. We are born into specific social identities, predisposing us to unequal and inequitable roles in society. Simply respecting individuals does not eliminate oppression. Fixing the system is necessary.


Name at least two barriers that are associated with high-stakes testing

  • Funnels kiddos from the classroom to the cell block

  • Inhibits genuine teacher-student relationships

  • Diverts attention and resources away from students’ social-emotional needs

  • May negatively affect school discipline procedures


Book bans are becoming more and more popular in the U.S. What are some negative effects of book banning?

-No representation in schools

-Students may not feel safe

-Harmful to mental health

-Educators feel restricted


Where did Saray move here from?

EL PASO! Not Texas, though.


Who are the three authors of our Funds of Knowledge textbook?

Luis Moll, Norma Gonzalez, Kathy Amanti


In the Cycle of Socialization, our First Socialization is with people we love and trust. We receive messages from them and we don't initially question the messages. Why is this?

We are dependent on those who raise us; they help shape our self-concepts and self-perceptions; unconscious conformity


How might implicit bias relate to the preschool-to-prison pipeline?

Opinions and stereotypes that administrators have about certain groups of students (based on race, gender, background, etc)

  • projected onto students unconsciously

  • Leads to the punishment of specific groups of people for the same thing that others got away with


We discussed vouchers and ESA this semester. What does ESA stand for?

Empowerment Scholarship Account


What did Becka and her family dress as for Halloween this year?



When we enter families' homes, we act as anthropologists and...(hint: starts with a vowel)



Name at least two ways we can change the Cycle of Socialization.

Raise consciousness, interrupt, educate, take a stand, question, reframe, etc.


What is the difference between 'minority' and 'minoritized'?

Minority - there are less-than another group

Minoritized - mistreated and misrepresented by the system


Exclusionary practices like pulling children out of classrooms can cause harm - sometimes permanent harm, based on what some of you shared in class. How can gen ed classrooms be supported so that children can receive special education services within their classroom environment?

-"Push in" services

-More support staff

-Smaller class sizes



What is your favorite thing about Saray?

EVERYTHING (obvs...)


How does the Funds of Knowledge framework help ensure students are viewed holistically?

Their cultural and linguistic identities are at the forefront of their educational experiences. They are represented more equitably in the classroom. Etc.


Okay, we're working diligently on our self-awareness. What do we do next? List 3 practical strategies you can implement in your classroom. One example: be aware of coded language that is used to describe students and their families

Use our social power (to change something, collective strength, influence, make decisions, etc), facilitator instead of teacher, be a part of the community where you teach, classroom lessons (I Am From poem, identity maps), etc.


Critical Race Theory is a huge "buzz term" right now in the U.S. What is it and what does society claim that it is?

CRT is: A legal framework that highlights how People of Color are mistreated in the legal system

People claim CRT is: A classroom curriculum that teaches children to hate the U.S. and white people.


List at least TWO pros and TWO cons of school-wide "Anti-Bullying Programs"

Pros: direct support for students and teachers, children may feel more safe, students feel a sense of community, education brings change

Cons: Bullies may feel encouraged to bully more, zero-tolerance policies typically impact students of color most often, funding barriers

Besides espresso, list 1 thing Becka has in her Dutch Bros coffee.

-Espresso (doesn't count)

-"Protein milk" (idk what it is either)

-Sugar-free dark chocolate sauce
