Imam Ali's Early Life
Bibi Fatima Early Life
Imam Ali and Bibi Fatima General

When and where was Imam Ali born (including year)?

Imam Ali was born on the 13th of Rajab of the 30th year of the Elephant (A.D. 600). Imam Ali was born inside the Kaba in Makka.


What is the name of Bibi Fatima that is also the name of a Surah in the Quran?

Al Kawthar


In which city did the marriage of Imam Ali and Bibi Fatima take place? 



How many battles were fought during the Holy Prophet’s lifetime? 

27 battles


 What is Miraj un Nabi and when did it take place? and what was the animal that he rode on?

The ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the heavens happened on the 27th of Rajab. and he rode the Buraq. 


 How old was Imam Ali when he first went to battle and which battle was it?

Imam Ali was around 14 years old when he first went to battle, and this was at the Battle of Badr.


What are the 9 titles of Bibi Fatima that Allah (swt) gave her?

Answers may vary: Siddiqah (the honest), Al-Mubarakah (the blessed one), At-Tahirah (virtuous), Az-Zakiyah (the chaste), Ar-Radhiatul Mardhiah (she who is gratified and who shall be satisfied), Al-Muhaddathah (a person, other than a prophet, that the angels speak to), and Az-Zahra (the splendid).


 Who conducted the wedding ceremony/read the vows? 

Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


What significant event happened in the battle of Khabar?

Imam Ali famously broke the fortress gate (Khabar) with his strength leading the Muslims to victory. 


What are the Holy Months in which Battle is forbidden in Islam?

Rajab, Muharram, Dhul-hijjrah, and Dhul-Qi'dah


How did Imam Ali obtain the Zulfiqar?

Imam Ali ibn received the Zulfiqar sword from the Prophet Muhammad as a replacement for his broken sword in the battle of Uhud. 


What is the significance of Bibi Fatima’s title "Zahra"?

The title "Zahra" (The Luminous) reflects Bibi Fatima’s spiritual purity, radiant character, and elevated status in Islam. 


Two months after the battle of ____, in the month of ____, Imam Ali (a.s) called on Prophet Muhammad and asked for Bibi Fatima’s hand in marriage. 

Badr, Zilqa’ad (11th month) 


What battle did Imam Ali not fight in due to the Prophet’s command and what is the famous saying that the Prophet said to Imam Ali in that Battle? 

Imam Ali was instructed not to fight in the Battle of Tabuk, and to make Imam Ali feel better The Prophet said the famous saying: “Ali, you are to me as Harun was to Musa”


Who was the killer of Imam Ali (as) and in what year was he martyred? 

Ibne Muljhim and 40 years after hijra. 


What role did Imam Ali play in the Prophet's hijrah? Hint; There are two answers

1) When the Prophet was migrating from Mecca to Madina there had been a assassination plan against him. Imam Ali was asked to sleep in the Prophet's bed as he escaped to Madina.

      2) Imam Ali gave the people back their Amanat (Belongings) that the Prophet had kept for them. 


Why did the Prophet teach his daughter the Tasbih-e- Fatima(a.s.)? What is read in Tasbih-e- Fatima(a.s.)?

One day Hazrat Fatima(a.s.) asks her father for a servant. So the Prophet of Allah replies: “Fatima(a.s.) I will give you what is better for you than a servant and the world with everything in it. After  every prayer say: Allahu Akbar 34 times,  Alhamdolillah 33 times, Subhaan Allah 33 times ; then conclude that with la ilaha illa Allah. Surely this is better for you than which you wanted and the world and it’s belongings.”


Which is not a title of Imam Ali (as)? 

Taqi, Hadi, Farooq, or Siddiuqe. 



Name any 4 battles that Imam Ali fought in?

Answers may vary: Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhud, Battle of the Trench (Ahzab), Battle of Khaybar, Battle of Mu'tah, Battle of Hunayn, Battle of Tabuk, Battle of the Camel, Battle of Siffin, Battle of Nahrawan


What is the declaration of “Man Kuntu Mawlah, Fa Aliyyun Mawlah” translated to and when/who said this saying?

 ”Whoever I am his master, Ali is his master" said by the Holy Prophet in Gadeer where he declared Imam Ali to be the succsesor after him.


What surah did Imam Ali recite when he was an infant while in the arms of Prophet Muhammad?

Chapter 13 - Sura of ‘Al-Muminiin’ of the Quran


What is the Mushaf - e -Fatima(a.s.)?

After the Prophet's death Lady Fatima(a.s.) was immensely depressed and during this time angel Gabriel would accompany her and what he would say would be written down by Imam Ali(a.s.)


Imam Ali said: A person is an enemy of what? 

What he does not know. 


What is the Battle of Siffin?

This battle was fought between Imam Ali (PBUH) and Muawiyah's forces during the First Fitna. It ended with a ceasefire and arbitration.


 What act of charity did Bibi Fatimah (A.S.) and Imam Ali (A.S.) perform with their children, Imam Hasan (A.S.) and Imam Husayn (A.S.), during a time of fasting, and what lesson does this story teach?

Bibi Fatimah (A.S.) and Imam Ali (A.S.) fasted for three days and, after breaking their fast, gave their only food to a beggar, an orphan, and a captive. This act teaches selflessness, sacrifice, and giving for the sake of Allah, even when in need themselves.
