This song opens with the protagonist flung through the windshield.
What is Subliminal?
In I've Got A Fang, the girlfriend's mother died in this obscene way:
What is explosion of the head?
"I-N-G, anybody lose an E?"- Should be, "anybody lose an ING?"
What is Alphabet Lost and Found?
"Belgium's Famous Painter"
Who is James Ensor?
What is 1000 years?
The End Of The Tour is about a car crash that happens here:
What is Interstate 91? (Alternatively, at the overpass)
In 2082, you murder your future self in this way:
What is suffocation?
"The greatest man"- Should be, "degraded man"
What is Particle Man?
The woman under the Marty Beller Mask
Who is Whitney Houston?
"This many inches of snow on the top of the Situation on the Brain."
What is 29 inches?
In Alienation's For The Rich, this habit will likely have the protagonist end up in an accident.
What is drinking and driving?
According to Creepy, there are this many ways to die.
What is 6 million?
"The challenge of the freaquel" - Should be, "freak we'll call"
What is Bee of the Bird of the Moth?
"Ask me, now I understand the words that this person said..."
Who is Alice Cooper?
If a clock was stuck at "Four of Two", it would display this time:
What is 1:56?
In No Answer, an empty stroller was found here:
What is the Southeast Expressway?
According to an early version of Bangs, a verdict claims you're a murderer; your weapon, this.
What is "your style"?
"Back to Fortress Poorly-Drawn"- Should be, "Back to portraits, poorly drawn"
What is Judy Is Your Viet Nam?
This man will "blow your mind" with his full house
Who is Ghandi?
"You heard me right- I said blow up; I said the force of this many suns."
What is 50 million?
In The Summer Breeze, this radio station reports a car driving from its garage and committing manslaughter along the beach.
What is WEEI?
In Lesson 16, Linnell claims to have murdered your father in this way:
"Without the mission horse's spicion" Should be, "Without permission or suspicion"
What is Best Regrets?
You don't like me, but you do seem to like shadow puppets, reading in the bath, and this actor.
Who is Woody Harrelson?
You might not know it, but over this percentage of web developers are sleepy and cranky.
What is 50%?