Urinary Catheter
Fall Risk
Central Line/Metformin
Hypoglycemia/SQ Insulin
For eligible patients, timeframe for removing urinary catheters after insertion
What is 48 hours
Frequency of vital signs post-fall and Frequency of Neuro checks post fall
What is every 15 minutes for 1 hours then as ordered and What is every 15 minutes for 1 hour then every 4 hours for 24 hours for pts who have reported head involvement, unwitnessed falls or anyone with neuro signs and symptoms that differ from their baseline.
Proper preparation for accessing any central line
What is scrub the hub with 70% alcohol prep pad for 15 seconds and wait to air dry
Number called when activating a stroke page and personal responding.
What is 3-5111 Stroke team and Rapid Response Team
Treatment for patient who has a bood sugar of 60mg/dL and is NPO for a test
What is IV D50
Angle of the tip of the catheter when inserting a Coude Catheter
What is tip up (towards the patient's stomach)
Interventions used for Universal Fall Precations
What are use of shoes, eyeware, and hearing aids, bed and chair alarms, assist toileting, minimize use of lines, communication, adequate lighting, and ongoing surveillance
Legnth of time infusions should be stopped before drawing off a central line
What is one minute
The most important time to know about a stroke patient
What is "stoke onset time" or time last see "normal"
Length of time between obtaining a blood sugar and administration of insulin
What is 1 hour
Actions taken if after a foley is removed the patient voids less than 300cc
What is perform a Bladder scanner for post void residual
Patients who require a head CT after a fall
What are pts who hit their head during a fall, or develop neuological signs, patients with no memory of the event or at risk for intracranial hemorrhagic complications
Flush solution and amount for an unused central line lumen used for medications
What is Normal Saline, 10 cc before and after IV medication infusion
Need to re-screen a patient using the dysphagia screen
What is a pt who has previously failed and has improvement of symptoms, anyone who exhibits new signs, anyone who passed and anyone at risk for aspiration
Process for insulin verification
What is confirm BGV, order and type of insulin and dose out loud by 2 RN's and swipe badge in MAK
Actions if post void residual per bladder scanner is <300cc
What is have pt attempt to void again in 30 min, re-check PVR, if < 300 reevaluate in 6-8 hours, contact LIP
Most frequent contributing factor for patient falls.
What is need to go to the bathroom
Length of time Metformin or Metformin-containing medications should be held after contrast administration.
What is 48 hours if BUN and CR have been checked and LIP approves resumption
Frequency of scoring CIWA if score is >9
What is hourly
Two forms needed to assist with the Patient-Directed Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Pump Protocol
What are the pump agreement and the blood glucose and insulin flow sheet
Actions taken if PVR is >300cc
What is have pt void again in 30 minutes, re-check PVR with bladder scan, IF >300 straight cath, reevaluate in 6-8 hours
Person to call everytime a fall occurs and form needed to investigate falls.
What is clinical manager and post fall huddle form
Line used on a triple lumen catheter to administer TPN
What is only the dedicated line for TPN
Intervention for sleeping patient on CIWA protocol
What is document pt is sleeping and repeat in 1 hour
Terms used to describe blood sugar when reported by CNA's
What is critical and treatable