
What connections can you make to what we already knew about Isaac, to the information Miig found on the label on the tube of bone marrow? (141)

41-year-old male, about Miig’s age so likely was Isaac, and a half-breed which we knew before (half European and half Cree) so we know it was him.


What decision does Frenchie make at the end of the chapter “Rogarou Comes Hunting” and how does it show his leadership? 

He decides to go after Minerva.


How is Frenchie’s love for RiRi expressed throughout the 3 chapters even though she is gone?

Frenchie takes RiRi’s bag off of Rose, showing that they both don’t want to ditch her stuff, Frenchie is worried that since he wasn’t able to protect RiRi that he won’t be welcomed in the North.


What connections can you make to the first scene in the book when Frenchie has to climb the tree reluctantly to escape capture, to now being the go-to lookout man? (147)

Before, Frenchie was scared and reluctant to climb the tree, especially when he knew danger was close, but now with his tribe he feels confident to be the lookout by climbing trees, even when he knows he might encounter a Recruiter.


How does Miig’s decision as a leader (to tell Frenchie the story of how he shot the truck driver, and found out Isaac was dead) help Frenchie look back on shooting Travis and see it in a new light? (144 and 145)

2-3 sentences, valuable life lesson, helps Frenchie believe that his heart was in the right place


How does Miig express his love and respect for Minerva? (Include evidence from the text, must be 2-3 sentences)

Both Miig and Wab both helped make Minerva a nice bed in the barn, Miig had his nighttime smoke down on the barn floor with her, showing that he likes spending time with her and that he respects her decisions as the elder. 


Turn to page 66, and then skim 67 and 68, but note the details about Rogarou. What connections can you make about his nature to the title of the chapter ”Rogarou Comes Hunting” and how do you think it connects to the Recruiters being on their trail? (3-4 sentences minimum)

Must be 3-4 sentences, connected Rogarou to the Recruiters, and explained the significance as to why Dimaline decided to title the chapter in that way.


How does Minerva‘s decision to sacrifice herself to save the group culminate to show how she has always been a leader in her own way?

Respect for Minerva’s decision to sleep on the floor, person with authority, backbone of the group, teaches their language and survival skills, age makes her respected


Tell us (using examples other than them kissing) how Frenchie and Rose’s love is shown throughout the chapters (multiple answers, 3 sentences).

Consoles Rose when she cries after Minerva‘s capture (151), lifts RiRi‘s bag off of Rose, not only by lifting physical baggage but also lifting that emotional baggage by showing that she isn’t alone in her grief (148).
