What strategies can you use to determine the main idea of a passage?
In the sentence "The benevolent man spent his weekends volunteering at the shelter," what does "benevolent" mean?
"Benevolent" means kind-hearted, generous, or charitable.
What are the components of a strong thesis statement?
A strong claim and 3 reasons or points
Define "foreshadowing" and give an example.
Identify the subject and predicate in the sentence: "The dog barked loudly at the stranger."
What are some clues that can help you identify the tone of a text?
"After a long day, she felt a sense of melancholy as she gazed out the window at the rain." What does "melancholy" mean in this context?
"Melancholy" means a feeling of sadness or sorrow.
Explain the importance of using transitions in writing.
What is the significance of the setting in a story?
What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "She (go, goes) to the library every Saturday"?
How can you make inferences about a character's feelings or motivations?
"His performance was exemplary; he showed great skill and dedication that impressed everyone." What does "exemplary" mean?
"Exemplary" means model or worthy of imitation due to its excellence.
What is the difference between first-person and third-person point of view?
Describe the difference between the protagonist and antagonist.
In the sentence "Although it was raining, we decided to go for a hike," what is the function of the word "although"?
Although is a subordinating conjunction
What are the key components to summarizing a text effectively?
"The author's use of metaphor helped to illustrate the complex emotions of the character." What does "metaphor" mean?
"Metaphor" means a figure of speech in which one thing is described as if it were another, often to highlight similarities (e.g., "time is a thief").
List three strategies for effective editing and revising.
What is a symbol in literature? Provide an example.
Correct the following sentence: "Him and I went to the store."
He and I went to the store
How can understanding the author's background influence your interpretation of a text?
"Despite his diligent efforts, he still struggled to complete the project on time." What does "diligent" mean in this sentence?
"Diligent" means careful and persistent effort or work.
What is a narrative essay, and how does it differ from an argumentative essay?
Explain what an allegory is and give an example of a well-known allegory.
An allegory is a story in which characters, events, and settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.
Tortoise and the Hare
He-y, Come on Out
Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a) "Its a beautiful day." b) "It's a beautiful day." c) "Its' a beautiful day."
B) "It's a beautiful day."