"To My People"
ELA Terms
"The Last Spin"
EOC Test Skills

What is the central idea of “The Hate You Give” excerpt?

A. The police pull  Khalil over for speeding

B. The police harass & shoot  Khalil for no other reason than he is black

C. Starr is afraid

D. Friendship is stronger than hate

  • B. The police harass & shoot  Khalil for no other reason than he is black


The central idea of “To My People” is

A. Assata Shakur had to move to Cuba

B. Assata Shakur was charged as a terrorist

C. Black people must fight together for their freedoms

D. The cops are racist

c. Black people must fight together for their freedoms


____ is the big moral or lesson that we learn from a story or poem



What is the theme of The Last Spin? 

A. Peer pressure can have severe consequences. 

B. Sometimes violence is necessary to solve problems.

C. Friendships are necessary during hard times.
D. Loyalty is important in a friend. 

A. Peer pressure can have severe consequences. 


What should you do after reading the following question: 

"What is the relationship between paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 in the passage?"

Go back and reread the paragraph. 


Which quote best supports the idea that  Khalil is shot because he is black?

A. “Khalil’s body jerks. Blood splatters from his back.”

B. "License, registration, and proof of insurance.”

C. "When I was twelve, my parents had two talks with me.”

D. "I hope somebody had the talk with Khalil."

D. “"I hope somebody had the talk with Khalil."


Which text best supports the central idea?

A. “They call us thieves and bandits.”

B. “It is our duty to fight for our freedom.”

C. “My name is Assata Shakur (slave name joanne chesimard), and i am a revolutionary.”

D. “They call us murderers, but we did not murder Martin Luther King, Jr., Emmett Till, Medgar Evers…”

B. “It is our duty to fight for our freedom.”


______ is when the author jumps back in time to show something that happened to a character previously. This is usually to explain the character’s motivation or create tension or suspense. ________ is when the author gives a hint about what is to come in the story.  




Which line from the text best supports the idea that Danny was nervous? 

A. He could not show Tigo what he was feeling. Tigo was the enemy, and so he presented a mask to the enemy… 

B. “We going to sit and talk all night, or we going to get this thing rolling?” Danny asked. 

C. His hand left the cylinder. It stopped spinning. He put the gun to his head. "Wait!" Danny said. Tigo looked puzzled. 

D. “I’ll go first,” Tigo said. Danny looked at him suspiciously. “Why?”

A. He could not show Tigo what he was feeling. Tigo was the enemy, and so he presented a mask to the enemy… (section 2)


What is the first step when completing the multiple choice section of the EOC? 

Read the questions/prompt


How is “The Hate You Give” structured?

A. by comparing/contrasting Khalil & the cop's physical appearances

B. by using multiple flashbacks to their childhood friendship

C. using a first person point of view

D. showing the problem of police brutality & giving a solution

C. using a first person point of view


What writing choice does the author make to emphasize her central idea?

A. using compare/contrast text structure

B. using strong, violent imagery

C. purposeful grammar errors 

D. symbolic word choice and spelling 

D. symbolic word choice and spelling



___ is the use of language to persuade or convince an audience. We looked at several ___ devices.




What claim would the author most likely agree with? 

A. Mob mentality is a deadly issue.  

B. Groups should be held accountable for the actions of their members. 

C. Gun violence is a more severe social issue than gang violence. 

D. Guns should be kept out of the hands of children. 

A. Mob mentality is a deadly issue. 

mob mentality = peer pressure

The two boys are pressured into playing the game. 


What is the difference between a theme and central idea? 

A theme is the moral or lesson that we learn from a story. It is universal and not specific to a story. A central idea is the main idea of the story. It summarizes the entire story and is specific. 


Why does the author of “THUG” use a 1st person narrator?

A. To create suspense and tension 

B. To help readers better understand the seriousness of the situation 

C. To show the thoughts and motivation of the characters

D. To make the story funnier

A. To create suspense and tension


What effect do the following lines have? 

"They call us murderers, but we did not murder Martin Luther King, Jr., Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, George Jackson, Nat Turner, James Chaney, and countless others.

They call us kidnappers, yet Brother Clark Squires was kidnapped on April z, 1969.

They call us thieves and bandits. But it was not we who stole millions of Black people from the continent of Africa."

A. It emphasizes the downfall of her community. 

B. It builds irony by showing the hypocritical nature of Americans. 

C. It characterizes the narrator as a creative person. 

D. It makes the reader feel angry at the Black Panther party. 

B. It builds irony by showing the hypocritical nature of Americans.


____ is when a character in the book is telling the story from his or her perspective. It relies on words like “I” and “me”

1st person point of view  


Why does the author choose to use violent imagery in the last section?

A. To create a sense of mystery for the readers 

B. To show the shift in Tigo’s perception of Danny from the start of the novel  

C. To support the author’s message against gun violence 

D. To demonstrate the central idea that Tigo and Danny are playing a violent game 

B. To show the shift in Tigo’s perception of Danny from the start of the novel  


What is an author's claim? 

A claim is the author’s primary argument. This is their opinion and it can be disagreed with. 


Why does the author flashback to the conversation with her father?

A. In order to show how strong her family bonds are

B. To explain why  Khalil talks to the cop the way that he does

C. To show that they had very different childhoods

D. To foreshadow Khalil's death & set up the conflict with police

D. To foreshadow Khalil's death & set up the conflict with police


How is “To My People” structured?

A. Compares and contrasts how police and KKK members are the same

B. Introduces the problem of racism and suggests the solution of black people fighting back

C. Lists the important chronological dates concerning the Black Liberation Army

D. Gives the sequence of events leading up to Assata Shakur’s arrest

B. Introduces the problem of racism and suggests the solution of black people fighting back


_____ is the author’s attitude about the text or topic. The author uses specific words to create the ______. 



Why does the author use the following rhetorical questions? 

“…well, don't you wonder what you're doing stomping some guy in the street? Like ... you know what I mean? Like ... who's the guy to you? What you got to beat him up for? 'Cause he messed with somebody else's girl?" 

A. To show the inner confusion Danny and Tigo are battling with 

B. To display their emotions about being in an organization 

C. To emphasize the necessity of being in a organization in order to survive 

D. To create tension between the two organizations

B. To display their real emotions about being in an organization 


_____ is using synonyms, antonyms, examples, and other hints to figure out what a word means

Context clues
