Matter and Its Interactions
Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
From Molecules to Organisms
Biological Change
Earth's Place in the Universe
Engineering Design
Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science and Society

At what temperature does a sample of water most rapidly become a gas?

A: Boiling Point

B: Freezing Point

C: Transition Point

D: Evaporation Point

A: Boiling Point


A worker easily pushes a cart loaded with five books each with a mass of 200 g. The worker removes one book from the cart, adds a box with a mass of 250 g, and continues to push the cart with the same force.

Which statement is true about the motion of the cart after the addition of the box?

A: It will increase

B: It will decrease

C: It will stop

D: It will stay the same

B: It will decrease


Which of these behaviors did a bear most likely learn from living in its environment?

A:drinking water 

B:eating fish 

C:opening garbage can lids

D: protecting its young 

C:opening garbage can lids


The image shows a cheetah with its cubs.

Name one characteristic that will most likely be transferred from parent cheetahs to their cubs?

Multiple answers, could include:

Coat color, eye color, build etc.


A scientist made a terrarium one morning. He had a glass box. Into the box he put:

• 20 green plants

• 1 lizard that eats beetles

• 45 beetles: 15 red, 15, green, 15 orange

He counted the beetles in the evening that day. Here is the scientist’s data:

• Which color beetles survived best?

• Give one reason why some beetles survived and others did not. 

Green because they were most likely harder for the lizard to find due to their coloring and the habitat in the terrarium.


Of the billions of stars in our galaxy, why is the Sun the only star in the galaxy that supplies energy to Earth?

The Sun is the closest star.


A cyclist rides a bike around a park. The cyclist notices that the bike pedals do not move smoothly.

What method can the cyclist use to make the bike pedals move more smoothly?

A: Ride on a gravel road. 

B: Add oil to the chain. 

C: Place wider tires on the bike.

D: Use a heavier bike. 

B: Add oil to the chain.


A student wants to study if the addition of a chemical to water increases the temperature of water.

Which tool should the student use to determine water temperature?

A Thermometer

Irving received two of the same model trucks. He assembled one and left the second model in its parts.

If you placed the put together model on one side of the scale and the disassembled model on the other side how would they compare?

The scale would be balanced


A child drops a 120 g toy action figure from the top of a deck three times. The child records the time it takes for the action figure to hit the ground in a table.

If the child attaches a parachute to the action figure, how will the time it takes to hit the ground be impacted, and why?

A:It will take more time to hit the ground because there is a greater force in the opposite direction of the fall.

B:It will take less time to hit the ground because there is a greater force in the opposite direction of the fall. 

C: It will take more time to hit the ground because there is more mass with the addition of the parachute. 

D: It will take less time to hit the ground because there is more mass with the addition of the parachute. 

A:It will take more time to hit the ground because there is a greater force in the opposite direction of the fall.


Which statement describes a similarity between instincts and learned behaviors?

A: An organism can practice the action to improve.

B: An organism’s actions can help it survive.

C: An organism can perform the action when born.

D: An organism’s actions change over time. 

B: An organism’s actions can help it survive.


The picture shows a mother panda and her offspring.

What characteristic does the offspring most likely inherit from the mother panda? 

Multiple answers including:

Fur pattern and build


Examine the zebra. 

What makes this zebra different from other zebras in its population?

A: Food Consumed

B: Habitat

C: Predators

D: Stripe Pattern

D: Stripe Pattern


A large system of billions of stars is called a



Samantha wants to design a bag that can keep her lunch warm for a longer time. She performs an activity to select the material for the bag. Samantha takes four identical cups and fills each with 50 mL of water at 152°F. She wraps each cup with a different material and records in the table the temperature of the water after 15 minutes.

Which material is best suited for the bag?



NASA’s Cassini space probe collected large amounts of data about the compositions of Saturn and several of its moons. How can the data gathered by the Cassini space probe lead to improved technologies?

A:  It can lead to the formation of research projects aimed at creating space shuttles that carry many people. 

B: It can lead to the construction of powerful telescopes that are able to detect asteroids and comets. 

C: It can lead to the development of space probes that determine if humans are able to live on a planet.

D: It can lead to the improvement of the ability of satellites to transmit information to and from Earth. 

C: It can lead to the development of space probes that determine if humans are able to live on a planet.


Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. When a piece of dry ice is placed outside a freezer at room temperature, it reduces in size gradually as it changes from solid to gas.

What type of change occurs in dry ice?

A: Change in color

B: Change in state

C: Change in compound

D: Change in texture

B: Change in state


Four different objects are dropped from the same height. The time each object takes to reach the ground is recorded, as shown.

What can be concluded from the data?

A: The object with the least mass takes the least time to reach the ground. 

B:The object with the largest surface area takes the most time to reach the ground.

C:The time taken by an object to reach the ground decreases as the mass of the object increases. 

D:The time taken by an object to reach the ground decreases as the surface area of the object increases. 

B:The object with the largest surface area takes the most time to reach the ground.


Which factor will prompt an animal’s fight-or-flight response?

A:population size 

B:competition for food

C:seasonal temperatures 

D:protection of the environment 

B:competition for food


Which animal displays a learned behavior?

A: A cat sleeps on a blanket.A cat sleeps on a blanket.

B: A dog barks when it hears thunder.A dog barks when it hears thunder.

C: A salmon migrates upstream to lay its eggs.A salmon migrates upstream to lay its eggs.

D: A bear catches a fish after watching its mother.


D: A bear catches a fish after watching its mother.


The picture shows the fossilized tooth of an extinct shark called a Megalodon.

Which evidence can scientists most likely gain from studying the fossilized tooth?

A: the different types of prey eaten by the shark 

B: the differences from teeth of living sharks

C: the events that led to how the shark died 

D: the color of the skin of the shark 

B: the differences from teeth of living sharks


The table lists characteristics of the planets in the solar system.

What statement about the planets is true?

A: Jupiter is an outer planet and has the greatest number of moons of all the planets in the solar system.

B: Mars is an inner planet and has the lowest temperature of all the planets in the solar system. 

C: Neptune is an inner planet and has the lowest temperature of all the planets in the solar system. 

D: Mercury is an outer planet and has the least number of moons of all the planets in the solar system.

A: Jupiter is an outer planet and has the greatest number of moons of all the planets in the solar system.


A student makes two paper boats of different heights, lengths, and widths using the same boat design. The student performs several tests to study how each boat floats in water when holding different amounts of sand. The image shows the boat design, and the table shows the results.

Based on the results, which changes to Boat 2 will most likely help the boat hold 20 grams of sand without sinking?

Increase both the length and the width of the boat.


With advances in space technology, scientists have launched many satellites. These satellites provide Internet access to more than 50% of the world’s population.

How do satellites help society?

A: They help clean wastewater.

B: They help communicate in remote locations.

C: They help stop natural disasters. 

D: They help forests grow faster. 

B: They help communicate in remote locations.


Which is the best description of a mixture?

A:  A glass of lemonade is a mixture because it is mostly water and is not separated easily. 

B:A bowl of pudding is a mixture because it is made of different substances that can be frozen. 

C:Pasta salad is a mixture because it is made of different substances that can be separated easily.

D:Gold is a mixture because it is one type of substance that can be melted. 

C:Pasta salad is a mixture because it is made of different substances that can be separated easily.


What effect does gravity always have on an object on Earth?

Pulls the object downward


A fever is a response to a disease-causing agent infecting the body. Raising one’s body temperature changes the shape of enzymes in the agent so it cannot reproduce. Which statement best describes a fever?

A: A fever is an internal response to an external stimulus. 

B: A fever is an internal response to an internal stimulus.

C: A fever is an external response to an external stimulus. 

D: A fever is an external response to an internal stimulus. 

B: A fever is an internal response to an internal stimulus.


A student listed some characteristics a child would inherit from his or her parents. Which characteristic was listed incorrectly?

A: dimples

B: eye color

C: hairstyle

D: tongue rolling

C: hairstyle


Petrified palm trees are found in sedimentary rock near glaciers. The presence of the petrified palm trees most likely provides evidence for which statement?

A:  There was once more water in the area. 

B: The area was once grassland. 

C: The climate in the area was once tropical. 

D: There are active faults in the area. 

C: The climate in the area was once tropical.


The image shows phases of the Moon from one new Moon to the next. There are two phases of the Moon marked X and Y.

What phases are X and Y?

X=Waxing Crescent

Y= Waning Gibbous


A student wants to study how the volume of water in a beaker impacts a change in water temperature when it is exposed to sunlight.

What should be the initial setup for the experiment?





D: vvv


The diagram shows an instrument that a sailor uses during a trip.

The instrument helps the sailor do what?

Locate the cardinal directions.


Potassium nitrate is a salt that dissolves in water. A teacher fills three beakers with 100 mL of water at different temperatures (20°C, 40°C, and 60°C) and adds salt to each beaker in small amounts until no more salt can be dissolved. The graph shows the amount of salt dissolved in each beaker.

What can be concluded from the graph?

A: Water dissolves salts only at high temperatures.

B: The solubility of the salt increase with temperature

C: More salt dissolves in water at lower temperatures

D: The salt needs large amounts of water to be dissolved

B: The solubility of the salt increases with temperature


A student places a remote-controlled truck on the floor and pushes it forward. He observes that the truck moves, as shown.

The student then moves the truck using the remote. After the truck moves some distance, he applies a force on the truck and observes that the truck stops, as shown. The student lists several inferences in a table based on his observations.

Which inferences are correct?

Inference 1 and 2


Sea turtles bury their eggs under sand. When the eggs hatch, the baby sea turtles work for several days to dig their way to the surface. Normally, baby sea turtles slowly walk to the sea during the safety of night.

How do baby sea turtles know to walk to the sea at night?

Instinct response


Which animal in the food web is an herbivore?



Coal is formed from the fossils of organisms that grew in ancient swamps. Antarctica has coal beds.

• Based on this observation, infer a climate change that happened to Antarctica.

Antarctica was once a swamp and has since frozen over.


On the diagram of Earth, it is 12 noon at position 4.

What time is it on Earth at position 2?

12 Midnight


What can aerospace scientists learn from unmanned rockets that after launch, failed to reach outer space?

A: Scientists can learn how to improve materials and find which are best for creating rockets.

B: Scientists can determine which orbits allow rockets to use the least amount of fuel.

C: Scientists can determine how to recycle water best for astronaut use in outer space.

D: Scientists can learn to improve digital communication between rockets and Earth.

A: Scientists can learn how to improve materials and find which are best for creating rockets.


Earthquakes are vibrations of Earth’s crust. What device is used to measure the size of an earthquake?

A seismograph
