Verb Tense and Analogies
Context Clues
Antonio Meucci designed the first telephone in 1871 but his work was not recognized until 2002. Place the missing comma.
What is 1871, but
Staple is to fasten as knife is to
What is cut?
In the northeastern United States and Canada, the year 1816 brought unusually cold conditions. A June snowstorm dumped a foot of snow in some areas. In July and August, temperatures fell below freezing—crops froze, and many people went hungry. Normal summer conditions never occurred. For years, scientists were baffled about what happened. Now, however, they believe that the cause was volcanic dust in the atmosphere. The previous year, far across the ocean, Indonesia's Mt. Tambora had erupted in an enormous explosion, shooting tons of ash and dust into the air. Scientists believe that this dust caused the sun's rays to be reflected back into space, leading to the big chill. What does "baffled" mean?
What is puzzled or confused?
Abbie plays softball, ____ Carter plays baseball. a-and b-or c-but
What is and?
On the nights Jeremiah cooked, he made easy things: scrambled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, macaroni and cheese from a box. His father, on the other hand, cooked complicated dishes—lots of ingredients, no recipes. They always came out great. Well, almost always. Last month, Dad tried to make beef Wellington. He ended up with a mound of brick-hard pastry and overcooked meat. But he just laughed and ordered pizza. How does the father feel?
What is amused?
On January 20 1961 John F. Kennedy became president of the United States.
What is 20, 1961?
Crayon is draw as ax is to
What is chop?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. When he was very young, he showed great musical aptitude, playing the keyboard by the age of three and writing musical compositions by the age of five. His father, a musician, gave Mozart lessons in piano and other instruments. After this early start, Mozart spent his life studying, playing, and composing music. Over the course of his life, he wrote more than six hundred musical works of many different types. His music is still popular and is performed often today. What does aptitude mean?
What is ability to do something?
To my surprise, ____ my dad _____ my mom said that was fine! a-both, and b-either, or c-whether, or
What is both, and?
What is the main idea of the passage? French painter Georges Seurat was born in Paris in 1859. Seurat received training in art as a young man. He also developed an interest in the science behind art, especially how the eye sees color. As a result of his interest in science, Seurat began to paint in a new style. Instead of mixing colors, he painted small dots, or points, of color on the canvas. From a distance, the colors seemed to blend together. Seurat's new style came to be called pointillism. It can be seen in one of his best-known paintings, "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte."
What is his interest in science led him to become an artist?
Which sentence is correct? "Please do your homework," Mrs. Perry called down the hall (1) "Please do your homework" , Mrs. Perry called down the hall. (2)
What is 1?
Fix the sentence: Coach Perry forgets the trash, so last week Mrs. Perry dragged the can to the curb.
What is forgot?
In 1773, the British Parliament passed the Tea Act, which would have given the East India Company a monopoly on the American colonies' tea market. The American colonists feared that this special advantage would allow the company to control tea sales. In defiance of the act, the colonists resisted the British by either turning ships away from ports or threatening ships with violence. The Sons of Liberty, a group dedicated to protecting the rights of colonists, led an unforgettable demonstration. They put their plan into action on the night of December 16, 1773. While in disguise, they boarded three ships in the Boston Harbor and destroyed over ninety thousand pounds of tea by throwing it overboard. Today, this famous event is known as the Boston Tea Party. What does the word defiance mean as it is used in the passage?
What is opposition, not listening, rebellion?
Correct the sentence below: We bought both paddles or life jackets.
What is or changed to and?
What is the main idea of the passage? Edouard de Laboulaye, a French writer and law professor, admired the freedoms enjoyed in the United States. He supported Abraham Lincoln's freeing of slaves during the Civil War. After the war, in 1865, he suggested that France present a statue to the U.S. The statue was meant to honor Lincoln and American democracy. At that time, the French people had little say in their government. Laboulaye hoped the statue would encourage the French to demand more freedom at home. Work began on the project in 1875. Ten years later, the statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, finally arrived in New York. a-He wanted to inspire freedom and democracy. b-He came up with the idea after the Civil War ended.
What is a?
Which phrase should be underlined? I'm going to see Beauty and the Beast this weekend.
What is Beauty and the Beast?
Fix the sentence: Cameron's legs ached after practice, so he stretches them.
What is stretched?
In 1773, the British Parliament passed the Tea Act, which would have given the East India Company a monopoly on the American colonies' tea market. The American colonists feared that this special advantage would allow the company to control tea sales. In defiance of the act, the colonists resisted the British by either turning ships away from ports or threatening ships with violence. The Sons of Liberty, a group dedicated to protecting the rights of colonists, led an unforgettable demonstration. They put their plan into action on the night of December 16, 1773. While in disguise, they boarded three ships in the Boston Harbor and destroyed over ninety thousand pounds of tea by throwing it overboard. Today, this famous event is known as the Boston Tea Party. Which phrase helps you understand the word defiance?
What is "resisted the British by either turning ships away from ports or threatening ships with violence."
Correct the sentence below: We could either eat first nor wait until later in the trip.
What is change nor to or?
What is the main idea of the passage? African American track star Jesse Owens made breaking records look easy. As a student at The Ohio State University in 1935, he set a world record in the long jump. That record stood for twenty-five years. At the 1936 Olympic Games, he won four gold medals and broke several more records. Sadly, it took forty years for Owens's Olympic victories to receive the attention they deserved. When he returned to the U.S., he didn't meet with the president, unlike most champions. It wasn't until 1976 that President Gerald Ford presented Owens with the Medal of Freedom. a-It took many years for Jesse Owens to be fully recognized. b-Jesse Owens began breaking records early in his career.
What is a?
Add the comma(s): Seth Camy Mallory and Reese all have moms that are teachers.
What is Seth, Camy, Mallory, and Reese
Brown snakes ____ adapt to their surroundings. a-will have adapt b-have adapted
What is b?
Paul is studying veterinary medicine at university, so he often reads books and magazines that pertain to animal health issues. Articles that relate to the latest medications and treatments available for horses are of particular interest to him, since he plans to be an equine veterinarian—a vet who specializes in the care of horses. Define pertain
What is has to do with?
I can _____ read a book ____ do a puzzle.
What is either, or?
What is the main idea of the passage? Dogs and wolves are part of the same animal family. Both animals have strong senses of smell and are loyal to their packs. But dogs and wolves are quite different when it comes to people. Dogs are used to living with people and get along well with them. In fact, dogs have been called "man's best friend." Wolves, on the other hand, cannot live with humans. Wolves prefer to live in the wild, where they can hunt for their food. Clearly, dogs belong with people, while wolves do not. a-Wolves and dogs are in the same family, so they have many things in common. b-Dogs are better suited to live with humans.
What is b?