The quote for Romans 5:8 is...
"But God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us."
This was the Porch's director before David
These are the four verses from the Romans road
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Romans 6:23
Romans 10:9
This TNS'er is a trained pilot
Graham Andre
In the Office, this was the name of Angela's cat that Dwight killed
This is the shortest book in the Bible
3 John
This is the Porch's mission statement
"Surrendered to God, we are changing the world through the lives of young adults."
This is a popular illustration for the Gospel
The bridge
This TNS'er is known for doing the worm at weddings
Anna Mayfield
In the TV show Friends, this was the name of Joey's TV character
Dr. Drake Ramoray
This was the first person to see the resurrected Jesus
Mary Magdalene
The porch originally took place in this room
stage 2
These are the questions in the Columbo method
How did you come to that conclusion?
What do you mean by that?
Have you considered?
These are all of the TNS'ers that currently are or have been teachers
Autumn Urton
Abby Coleman
Tara Lundgren
Brittany Barton
Hannah Lum
This is the name of a bachelor candidate and the founder of the US Navy
John Paul Jones
The Old Testament describes Joseph with these two adjectives
well-built and handsome
This was the first year of the Porch
This is what the LEADERS acronym stands for
Live in the light
Expert Evangelist
Abide daily
Die to self
Excellent Hosts
Relevance matters
Share wins
This explorer named the Pacific Ocean
Ferdinand Magellan
These are the two men in the Bible that never died
Enoch and Elijah
These are five porch live locations
Scottsdale, AZ
Indianapolis, IN
Tulsa, OK
NW Arkansas
El Paso
De Moines, IA
Cedar Rapids
Balaton, Minnesota
Cincinatti, OH
Boise, ID
What are the seven questions (in order) in the Jesus-focused testimony
*hint: it's the one that Hannah taught us
(1) I first sensed my need for Jesus when...
(2) what made me interested in JEsus was...
(3) I finally decided to trust JEsus when I realized...
(4) Since following Jesus, I have changed from _____ to ______
(5) Jesus helps me in my daily life by...
(6) I have seen God answer my prayers like...
(7) Have you ever considered learning to follow Jesus?
These are the four rules of Next (formerly first) Step
*recite two
(1) The purpose of next step is to provide a space where people can ask questions
(2) never ask a porchie to share a testimony in a circle
(3) use the PODs
(4) go on offense
This Englishman invented the word "vomit"
William Shakespeare