What year was TMT founded?
How do we mark ourselves as belonging to God?
Sign of the cross “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
Which city was Jesus born in?
Name the four principles of TNTT.
Prayer, Communion, Sacrifice, Apostolic Works
What happens to the Priest during the washing of the hands?
All his sins are suspended so that he can confect the Eucharist so that we have a valid Mass
How old is Liên Đoàn Thánh Gia?
What are the conditions for receiving Holy Communion?
1 - State of grace
2 - One hour fast before receiving
3 - Being a Catholic
How many books are in the Old & New Testaments?
73 Books
What does the color of the blue scarf (TN) represent?
Blue represents their uniqueness and identity with hope.
What do we call the robes that altar servers wear?
What year did TNTT come to America?
Sunday Mass consists of how many readings? Name them.
4 readings: Old Testament, Psalms, Epistle (letters), Gospel
When and what was Jesus’s first miracle?
Water into wine at the wedding of Cana
What are the two teaching methods of TNTT?
Natural and Spiritual
What is the proper name for the incense that is swung during Mass?
Which country did TNTT originate from?
Name all the vestments of the priest during Mass.
Alb, Cinture, Stole, Chasuble
Who was with Jesus at the Transfiguration?
Moses and Elijah
How many Liên Đoàn are there in VEYM-USA?
What is the proper name for the red book that contains all of Cha’s prayers and blessings for Mass?
Roman Missal
What year did we change our name from “Eucharistic Crusade” to “Eucharistic Movement”
What sins are forgiven in the Penitential Rite?
Venial sins only. (Mortal sins must be forgiven in the confessional)
Which of the four gospels is the shortest?
Who is/are VEYM's ultimate role model(s)?
What is the proper name for the bishop’s hat and staff?
Mitre (hat) / Crosier (staff)