Tom started ___________.
톰은 수영하기 시작했다.
to swim
Use your cellphone in the movie theater.
영화관에서는 폰을 사용하면 안돼
You must not use your cellphone in the movie theater.
She _______ eat less junk food.
I am so happy to finally meet you!
to (finally) meet
You are so kind ________ that!
그렇게 말해주다니 정말 착하구나!
Sorry I am late. I _______ see a doctor this morning.
had to
You _______ tell this to anyone. It's a secret!
You must not tell this to anyone. It's a secret!
아무한테도 말하면 안돼. 비밀이야!
너는 마실 무언가가 필요하니?
(do, need, something, to drink, you)
She must be hiding something.
You ________ worry about me. I'm fine.
You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine.
내 걱정 안해도 돼. 난 괜찮아.
In the middle of class, James began to whisper quietly to Jessie.
수업 중간에
제임스는 조용히 속삭이기 시작했다(began to whisper)
제시에게(to Jessie)
Tom은 함께 놀 친구가 없다.
(friends, has, no, Tom, to play with)
네 자신에게 정직해야 해 (must, You, to, be honest, yourself)
You must be honest to yourself.
물 속에 뭔가가 있는 게 틀림없어. (There, be, something, must, the water, in)
Johnny began to scream loudly to loud music to annoy his parents.
조니는 시끄럽게 소리치기 시작했다(began to scream loudly)
시끄러운 음악에(to loud music)
그의 부모님을 짜증나게 하려고(to annoy)
우리 모두는(We all) 사랑할 누군가가 필요해
We all need somebody to love.
모두에게 친절할 필요는 없어.
You don't have to be kind to everyone.
이건 사랑인 게 틀림없어!
It must be LOVE!