Я Катя
I am Kate
У нее темные волосы
Sge has got dark hair
Make negative
She is tall, she has got fair hair
She is NOT tall, she has NOT got fair hair
Он красивый
He is handsome
У них нет светлых волос
Make questions
He has got a car
Has he got a car?
Она не толстая, она стройная
She is not fat she is slim
У тебя есть мяч? Да
Have you got a ball? Yes, I have
Are they French?
Yes, they are
No, they are not
Они из России? Да
Are they from Russia? Yes, they are
У нее нет собаки, у нее есть кошка
She has not not a dog, she has got a cat
Have you got a toy?
Yes, I have
No, I have not got
Мы не Американцы, мы Британцы
We are not American, we are British
У меня есть мама и папа
Have they got dark hair?Yes, No
Yes, they have
No, they haven't