What Planet in our solar system is closest to the sun?
Astronomical distances are described using time measurements called a Lightyear. One Lightyear is equivalent to a little less than how many trillion miles?
Delawarean astronomer, Annie Jump Cannon helped develop the Harvard System, to classify what objects according to colors like blue, white, and red?
Titan is one of the few moons in the solar system known to have an atmosphere of any substance. Around what planet does it orbit?
What star is, at 4.2 million light years away, the closest star to us other than the Sun?
Proxima Centauri
What Astronomer, used data collected with the Danish Astronomer, Tycho Brahe, to develop the three laws of planetary motion?
Johannes Kepler
What is the name of the astronomical event, in which the moon blocks Earth’s sunlight?
How many Constellations are there?
What is the strongest known magnet in the Universe?
A Neutron Star
At about 2.8 billion miles from the Sun and known for its powerful wind storms, which planet is the only one you can’t see from Earth with the naked eye?
What small, dark stars, also known as "failed stars," are those not massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium, specifically?
Brown Dwarfs
On July 5, 2022, Earth was the farthest from the Sun that it would get for the whole year: 94,510,886 miles, to be exact. What astronomy term is used to describe this phenomenon?