This is the brother of Scout and son of Atticus
Jem Finch
Did Scout talk to Walter Cunningham outisde of the courthouse to protect her father
true or false
who is jem sister
who was scout's first teacher in the book
Miss Caroline Fisher
what does imprudent mean
not showing care
who is works on the lesgislature and is a lawyer
Atticus Finch
Atticus told Tom that they was going to ask for an appeal after the trial.
who moves in with Atticus ,Jem and Scout
aun't Alexdandria
who does Atticus expose for lying in the court for not being amadextriouse
bob ewell
what does spurious mean
fake or doubtful
who does scout fight for calling her dad an African american lover
Cecil Jacobs
jem and scout where unscaved after the interaction with bob ewell on their way home from the school
who played football
how many times does Tom Robinson get shot
17 times
what does scowling mean
showing anger or disapproval
who did Scout yell to stop following them
Cecil Jacobs
aunt alexandria wanted them jem and scout to be more proper
who is the uncle of Jem and Scout
Uncle Jack
where did Tom Robinson die
the prison
what does mollified mean
appease the anger or anxiety
who does Scout and Calpernia talk to when Calpirnia takes Scout and Jem tom the church
reverend sykes
did jem killed bob ewell
who was always in the tree house Jem or Scout
who does Scout think is following them when they leave the school
Cecial Jacobs
what does arid mean
having little or no rain