The mysterious neighbour who the children are initially afraid of.
Who is Boo Radley?
This title word means to end the life of a living thing
What is kill?
This gift is first left for the children by the mysterious neighbour. Jem fears it will poison Scout!
What is chewing gum?
Scout was coming home from this event when Bob Ewell attacks her and Jem
What is the Halloween Pageant?
Scout sees this and assumes that the world is ending
What is snow?
The mysterious man hides small treasures in this place
What is the knothole in the oak tree?
This word means using emotions or "pulling heart strings" in rhetorical devices.
It was used in Tom Robinson's trial when Mayella Ewell displayed her bruises.
What is Pathos?
This American state is the setting of the novel
What is Alabama?
This real life court case inspired the events of the trial of Tom Robinson?
Who are the Scotsboro boys?
Addicted to morphine, this character constantly verbally abuses the Finch children
Who is Mrs. Dubois?
The friendly female neighbour who loves gardening, bakes for the children and is a childhood friend of Atticus' brother.
Who is Miss Maudie Atkinson?
The antagonist of the story
Who is Mr. Bob Ewell?
This woman helps out around the Finch house
Who is Calpurnia?
This man offers Dill a drink outside the courthouse
This is Tom Robinson's ultimate fate after the trial
Who is shot and killed by police?
Who is Boo Radley?
This word means believable or truthful. A person who establishes ETHOS shows that he/she is
c _ _ _ _ _ _ e.
What is credible?
The son of a local farmer, he visits the Finch house, pouring syrup all over his lunch; his father is part of the mob who attempts to lynch Tom Robinson
Who is Walter Cunningham, Jr.?
When Atticus shot the rabid dog who was the pet of Maycomb, this foreshadows when he symbolically "shoots down" ____________ at Tom's trial.
What is injustice?
The evidence that tells us that Tom could not have beaten Mayella
What is - broken hand, disabled ?
Scout fights this classmate after he declares that Scout's father defends *******.
Who is Cecil Jacobs?
The person who accused Tom Robinson of rape.
Mayella Ewell
This symbol from the novel represents innocence and goodness.
What is a mockingbird?
This man presumably kills Bob Ewell but will never get the town's attention or praise for it. Use his FULL NAME.
Who is Arthur "Boo" Radley?
This character goes with Atticus to tell Mrs Robinson about her son's death
Who is Jem?