Miss Maudie's nut grass is a symbol of what spreading in Maycomb?
What is racism?
Who does Dill live with?
What is his aunt Rachel Haverford/Miss Rachel
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" (33).
What does Atticus mean by this?
What is consider things from other peoples perspectives/Try to withhold judgement until you put yourself in their shoes
List 2 things Atticus tries to teach his kids.
What is 1) Be respectful to everyone 2) Walk around in other peoples skin before you judge 3) Right vs Wrong 4) Do not use racial slurs
What decade was this novel set in?
What is the 1930's.
What is racism/ Atticus dealing with the racism in Maycomb?
Characterize Scout using four adjectives.
"Miss Caroline, he's a Cunningham" I sat back down.
"What Jean Louise?"
I thought I had made things sufficiently clear. It was clear enough to the rest of us. (22)
What does this quote tell you about Maycomb?
What is last names mean something in Maycomb/ every citizen knows attributes associated to each persons last name (ex: Cunninghams are poor & Ewells are dirty and mean)
What part of Atticus's parenting does Aunt Alexandra disapprove of?
What is she thinks Scout isn't ladylike enough
How did Jim Crow laws affect the lives of African Americans?
What is "separate but equal", worse conditions for African Americans, racial prejudice spread as a way of life at the time
What does a mockingbird symbolize in the novel?
What is Innocence/Purity/ Someone who doesn't harm anyone
1) Married to Jimmy 2) Favors Francis over Scout 3) Traditional values 4) Lives on Finches landing 5) Disapproves of the way Atticus parents
"Yeah Jem, but I don't wanta study cows, I--"
"Sure you do. You hafta know about cows, they're a big part of life in Maycomb County" (20).
What does this quote prove about the attitudes that citizens in Maycomb have?
What is no/little interest in the world outside of Maycomb
What is spends his relief checks on whiskey instead of food for his children and doesn't make his kids go to school.
What real life trials is the Tom Robinson trial based on?
What is the Scottsboro Trial & Emmett Till Trial
What do Miss Maudie's white azaleas symbolize in the novel?
What is Miss Maudie's pure heart/ her kind compassionate personality
Tell me three things about Tom Robinson
What is 1) His family is described as clean-living folks, 2) He is being defended in the trial by Atticus, 3) He is going up against the Ewells, 4) He is a black man, 5) He lives by the town dumb, 6) He goes to Calpurnia's church
Scout says, "I thought mad dogs foamed at the mouth, galloped, leaped and lunged at throats, and I thought they did it in August. Had Tim Johnson behaved thus, I would have been less frightened" (108).
What is revealed by this quote, what is Scout really afraid of?
What is Scout is afraid of the unknown.
Describe to me what kind of father Mr. Radley is
What is extreme/foot-washing baptist, keeps Boo inside, cares more about the Radley last name then what is best for his son
What is the WPA?
Work Progress Administration