What is a scuppernong?
A type of grape native to the southern part of the United States.
What is Atticus's nickname that surprises Jem and Scout?
'Ol One-shot Finch
What town and state is the story set?
Maycomb, Alabama
When the children return to school after lunch on the first day, what makes Miss Caroline scream?
She sees lice in Burris Ewell's hair.
How did Simon Finch make his money?
He is an apothecary; practices medicine
She had wanted to make up with me, that was it. She had always been too hard on me, she had at last seen the error of her fractious ways. What does fractious mean?
Fractious means troublesome.
What city and state does Dill live in when he is not spending his summers with his Aunt Rachel?
Meridian, Mississippi
How does the author describe the town where the story takes place?
"Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town...In rainy weather the streets turned to red slop; grass grew on the sidewalks, the courthouse sagged in the square. It was hotter then; bony mules hitched to Hoover carts flicked flies in the sweltering shade...Men's collars wilted; by evening ladies were like soft teacakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum." Poor, starting to have hope.
Why does Calpurnia make Scout finish her lunch in the kitchen?
Scout was being rude to Walter Cunningham, who was their company for lunch.
What happens to Atticus's first two clients when he becomes a lawyer?
They don't take his advice, so they are hanged because they killed a blacksmith in an argument about a mare. All Atticus could do was be present at their hanging.
Mrs. Dubose yells a philippic on the Finch family's moral degeneration.
A bitter, verbal attack.
What does Miss Maudie do to seal her friendship with Scout?
She pops out her bridgework (false teeth).
What world event affects the characters in the book? How does it affect the farmers? How does it affect professional people such as doctors and lawyers?
The Great Depression. It hits the farmers hardest, but because they can't afford services from doctors and lawyers, it hurts them as well. The farmers pay with what they can.
Name at least three of the seven items Scout and Jem find in the knot-hole in the tree.
Two pieces of chewing gum; a package of chewing gum; two Indian head pennies; a ball of twine; a broken pocket watch on a chain with a knife; spelling bee medal; two dolls carved out of soap that look like Jem and Scout.
Why is Mrs. Dubose so sick?
She is a morphine addict. She stopped using and eventually died in withdrawals.
Scout's aunt marries a taciturn man, who spent most of his time lying in a hammock by the river wondering if his trot-lines were full. He barely spoke to anyone.
Not speaking often; quiet
What nickname does Arthur Radley have?
From what point of view is the story told and who tells it?
First-person point of view. Scout Finch is the narrator and tells the story from her perspective.
Why does Atticus feel it is important to defend Tom Robinson?
Atticus feels this case is in his conscience - he has to do the right thing for his conscience and what he feels is the right thing for Tom Robinson.
What does Mrs. Dubose give Jem upon her death? Why?
A candy box with a white, waxy Snow-on-the-Mountain camellia in it. It was the type of flower he chopped the tops off when he was angry.
Scout takes umbrage at what Mrs. Dubose says about her family's mental health. It was mean and hateful.
Offense; to feel offended at what someone has said or done.
What was Jem's reaction to the knot-hole being filled with cement?
Why and how is Miss Caroline different from the people of Maycomb?
Miss Caroline is not from Maycomb, she is from North Alabama. She wears make-up, nail polish, high heels, and a red dress. She doesn't know the "ways" of Maycomb. She doesn't know the families and their history.
According to Atticus, why did he want Jem to get to know Mrs. Dubose?
Atticus wanted Jem to learn what real courage was, rather than having the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.
Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird?
To kill something innocent that only sings it's heart out and doesn't destroy gardens or corn cribs (doesn't harm anything) is a sin.