Important Events
Grab Bag

This character struggles to remember the exact details from the night of the rape. After thinking very hard, he is able to tell Atticus that Mayella had a black eye on her right side

Who is Heck Tate?


This character's house catches on fire 

Who is Miss Maudie? 


These are the "cooties" Bob Ewell Jr. has 

What are lice? 


The definition of pious AND stinginess

Very religions

Unwilling to spend money


The setting and time period of our novel

What is Maycomb, Alabama, 1930s? 


This character shows up at the Maycomb County jail to threaten Atticus and Tom Robinson. He seems to be ashamed of himself once Scout begins talking to him and asking him about his son

Who is Mr. Walter Cunningham Sr.?


During the fire, this characters puts the blanket around Scout's shoulders

Who is Boo Radley? 


This is the "madness" the dog has 

What is rabies? 


Malevolent AND Phantom

Willing to cause harm

A ghost


The reason Dill runs away from home

His parents don't neglect him, but they also aren't very interested in him either. He dreamed of having a close relationship with his new dad and is disappointed that he's ignored 


This character is left-handed, an alcoholic, and spits in Mr. Finch's face

Who is Bob Ewell?


Atticus takes on Tom Robinson's case for this reason

What is the belief in equality/it's the right thing to do? (Answers may vary.) 


This is the term used to describe Calpurnia speaking one version of English with the Finchs' and another at her church 

What is code-switching? 


Boast AND cordially

To talk about yourself in a proud, self-admiring way

In a warm, friendly, polite manner



The major historical event impacting the characters, particularly financially 

What is the Great Depression? 


This character has had many children with an African American woman. Though he is white, he doesn't get along with the other white members of the community due to their judgement. He pretends to be drunk to give them a "better" reason to hate him.

Who is Mr. Dolphus Raymond?


What happened to Mrs. Dubose's flower bed + the consequences of that 

Jem destroys it in a fit of rage after she insults his family due to Atticus defending Tom Robinson. He is forced to read to her for a month and, at Atticus' urging, get to know her


This is the "sickness" that Mrs. Dubose suffers from 

What is morphine addiction? 


Quell AND tactful

To suppress or pacify

To show consideration/sensitivity when dealing with a difficult person or situation


Explain why Tom Robinson's statement, "I felt bad for [Mayella]," makes everyone in the courtroom uncomfortable

With this statement, Tom is implying that Mayella, a white woman, was in a worse situation than he was as a black man in the South. However, based on racial implications, this wasn't possible. Tom was assumed by the audience in the courtroom to be challenging the structure and beliefs of the town.


This character is the prosecutor and tries to make it seems as though Tom couldn't possibly me as selfless as he actually is. That way, he looks guilty - like he has ulterior motives - for having helped Mayella as much as he did. 

Who is Mr. Gilmer?


What happened to Tom in the prison exercise yard

He's shot 17 times while trying to escape by climbing the fence


This is the ancestral home Aunt Alexandra is living in before moving to her brother's house 

What is Finch's Landing? 


Unfathomable AND contentious

Impossible to understand

Argumentative; controversial


Explain why Scout thinks Miss Gates is hypocritical 

She is furious that Hitler is persecuting the Jews but simultaneously wishes to persecute the black members of her own community 
