The Radleys
Literary Devices

This person is the narrator of the story. (give real name and nickname)

Who is Jean Louise "Scout" Finch?


Miss Caroline discovers a "cootie" (lice) in the head of Burris Ewell, who has special permission to do what?

What is attend school just once a year.

Boo's real name is ____.
What is Arthur?

"when the knothole stopped us in our orbit."

What is personification? (knothole stopped)


Miss Caroline and Boo Radley both do things in a way different that most Maycomb residents. They are considered ____________ and treated differently because of that designation that separates them from the rest of society.

What are outsiders?


This Finch doesn't like Calpurnia being in the home and thinks Scout is being raised poorly.

Who is Aunt Alexandra?


The children are surprised when they find out that Atticus can ____________. They learn of this talent when Tim Johnson is roaming the streets.

What is shoot?

This is Boo's older brother who also seals up the knothole in the tree on their property.
Who is Mr. Nathan Radley?

"Do you smell my mimosa? It's like angel's breath this evening" (48).

What is simile. Comparing the smell of the mimosa to angel's breath.


While at Calpurnia's church, the children learn that Helen Robinson, Tom's wife, is unable to do this ___________ because of the accusations against her husband, showcasing the theme of intolerance.

What is find work?


This person is the Finchs' cook, maid, and a mother figure to Scout.

Who is Calpurnia?


In the time Lee wrote this novel, gender roles dictated that boys don't cry. Yet, after telling Scout not to cry, he sheds many tears when this happens.

What is when Nathan Radley cemented the knothole in the tree?

It is believed that Boo stabbed his father with these.
What is scissors?

"summer was everything good to eat; it was a thousand colors in a parched landscape . . . " (38).

What is hyperbole? (everything, thousand)


Scout struggles with her identity, wanting to be a tomboy while society and Aunt Alexandria want her to act and dress like a traditional Southern girl. She finds a like-minded mentor is which character who dresses in men's coveralls and an old straw hat to do her gardening?

Who is Miss Maudie?


Jem destroys this old lady's camellia bushes and has to read to her for punishment.

Who is Mrs. Dubose?


If Tim Johnson's disease is rabies, then Maycomb's disease is ____________.

What is racism?

Scout is given this by Boo at the fire.
What is a blanket?

"the meanest man God ever blew breath into" (12).

hyperbole (ever, never, always)


This is the name given to the series of laws that were meant to keep freed slaves from having equal protection under the US Constitution mainly in the American South.

What are Jim Crow Laws?


The person at First Purchase Church who leads the "lining" (when they repeat the lines of the hymns).

Who is Zeebo? (Calpurnia's son)


Jem's snowman is first made of mud, making it brown in color but then Jem covers it with snow, making it white. Then he makes it into a caricature of this person, a mean and crude white neighbor. BONUS (100 pt.): what is Lee's point with this color symbolism?

Who is Mr. Avery? 

The snowman isn't considered complete until he is covered in the white snow, similar to how no black character is considered on their own merits, but instead judged by their relationships with the white people in the community. Once the snowman is white, Lee has the children make him mean and crude, unlike any of the black characters in the book. 

This happens to Jem's pants when he loses them trying to sneak a peek at Boo (2 things)
What is they are folded and sewed?

"I heard an unfamiliar jingle in Jem's pockets" (16).

What is onomatopoeia? (jingle)


Lee demonstrates this theme by having Jem and Scout be surprised to hear Calpurnia speaking like other black people in her church and to learn that most people in her church cannot read. (they learn something that changes the way they view the world)

What is the loss of innocence?
