How does the sheriff say Bob Ewell died? How did Bob Ewell actually die?
He "fell" on a kitchen knife. Boo actually stabbed him.
Who does Mr. Tate want to save from being in the "limelight"?
Boo Radley
Why was Tom arrested?
He was accused of attacking/raping Mayella
Name one of the Finch's neighbors.
Mrs. Dubose, Ms. Maudie, the Radleys...
How do we know Tom couldn't have beat up Mayella?
His left hand is useless, and her injuries could only have been caused by a left-handed person.
Where did Dill hide when he ran away to Maycomb? Be specific.
under the bed (scout's)
Who did the kids sit with in the court room?
Reverend Sykes, in the colored balcony
Who in the book is a mockingbird? List both.
Tom and Boo
Who goes with Atticus to tell Mrs. Robinson about Tom's death?
Calpurnia, and they pick up Jem and Dill along the way.
What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the story after his sentence?
He tries to escape from the police and is shot dead.
What was the dog's name that Atticus shot?
Tim Johnson
What does Scout lose at the pageant?
Her shoes
Why did Atticus have to use a gun?
He felt he needed to put down the sick "mad" dog