
What changes is Scout noticing in her brother Jem at the beginning of the chapter? 

He is growing up and acting more like an adult. 


Why was Aunt Alexandra's excuse for coming to stay with the children?

She thought the kids were growing up and Scout needed a feminine influence. 


What/who was hiding under Scouts bed?



Why does Jem think Atticus is in danger? What does he call the group of men who came to the house?

Jem called the group a mob. He thinks they will hurt Atticus for helping Tom Robinson


What did Scout argue to have at breakfast?

A cup of coffee.

Why was the congregation collecting money? What was the cause? 

To help Tom Robinson's wife Helen raise the kids because she is unable to work while Tom is in Jail. 


Why did people of Maycomb begin to look alike in the early years of its settlement?

People were marrying the same families, and there were little outsiders to the community.


What did Atticus and Aunt Alexandra argue about at the beginning of the chapter?

Aunt Alexandra wanted Calpurnia to leave, but Atticus know how much she meant to the family and the children.


Why were the kids concerned when Atticus left the house after supper?

Atticus took the car which was unusual because he walked everywhere in Maycomb.


Who is Mr. Dolphus Raymond and why is Scout curious about him and his family?

Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a land owner in town and he is married to an African American woman. Scout is curious about his family and his children.


How were the children greeted when they arrived at Calpurnia's Church?

At first they were unwelcome by Lula, then they were greeted with kindness from the rest of the congregation.


What did Scouts cousin create that made Aunt Alexandra proud?

Her cousin wrote a book.


Why does Scout begin fighting with Jem?

Jem was telling her what to do.


Who did Scout recognize in the crowd of men at the jail? How did she try to connect with him?

She recognized Mr. Cunningham and tried talking to him about his son Walter and his nice behavior during dinner.


What happened to the children when they went into the court house? Why is this important.

The children could not find a seat downstairs so they sat in the African American section on the balcony. 


How did Calpurnia teach her son to read?

By reading a page of the bible each night and using a book given to her by Scouts grandfather.


How does a family become Fine Folks in the eyes of Aunt Alexandra?

The longer a family has been on a plot of land the finer they were.


What story does Dill create to describe where babies come from?

He thinks their is a man with a boat who picks up children from an island and delivers them by dropping them down the chimney. 


What was the goal of the mob when they showed up to the jail? What was Atticus's duty? 

The mob was going to kill Tom Robinson. Atticus was there to guard and protect him.


What was Judge Taylor interesting habit?

He allowed smoking in the court room but he didn't smoke himself.


What lesson did Clapurnia teach the children when they asked her about code switching languages between church and in their home?

... folks don't like to have somebody around knowing more than they do. it aggravates them. You're not going to change any of them by talking right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language. (167)


How does Atticus describe his family and past generations? What are the kids expected to do once they learn this information?

*This idea came from Aunt Alexandra.

He describes his family as the product of Gentle Breeding. He believes the kids should live up to their name and behave accordingly.


Why did Dill leaves his family to return to Maycomb.

His family was neglecting him and he felt unwanted. 


What is the significance of Scout talking about entailment's. How does it impact the mob?

By speaking up as a child, Scout breaks up the mob mentality by humanizing the experience.


Who made up the Jury for the Tom Robinson case? Why do you think that is?

Farmers made up the jury. Townsfolk rarely participated.
