You need to identify this when you are reading persuasive text.
What is ... the AUDIENCE.
Here is an example. "Please don't let this skinny, sad little girl go hungry one more day. Give to the United Food Fund so she can survive."
What is EMOTION.
"We certainly do not understand why it should be harder to make plans with friends on weekends than to buy an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. In Florida, to buy a gun you do not need a permit, you do not need a gun license and once you buy it you do not need to register it."
Which persuasive appeal is the author using?
What is ... the audience's sense of logic?
The most important statement to include to summarize this article would be ...
Some young people feel like it is an unpopular opinion to support gun rights OR
Some people believe the second amendment is worth believing in and supporting.
The author quote's different experts to support their own opinion.
Emma Gonzalez is most upset about ...
What is ... lawmakers' failure to enforce stricter gun control laws in America.
Read the following paragraph:
The students who survived the Valentines Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida have captured the nation's attention with their political activity. They have turned their grief and anger into a powerful political force in support of more gun laws. There is another side, however. The young adults speaking up for gun rights at CPAC say they feel increasingly marginalized (put down)."
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
What is ... there are two groups of students who have very different opinions about fun control.
This device tells others to do/not do what everyone else is doing.
What is LOGIC.
The writer says "Companies are trying to make caricatures of teenagers these days.
Caricatures means
What is ... stereotypes that are incorrect, distorted, untrue.
What does the National Rifle Association do?
WHat is ... The NRA tries to prevent gun control laws and support the Second Amendment.
What is ... NAME CALLING.
It's so upsetting to hear them say you're either for gun control or dead kids," she said. "It's like the feeling when you get bullied in high school when you believe in something different.
What appeal is used here?
What is EMOTION.
In the speech Gonzalez, says "we have to be studying our notes to make sure that our arguments based on politics and political history are watertight.
What does watertight mean?
What is ... the students arguments need to be solid, unquestionable.
According to Justin Vaughn, what was the one thing that MOST influence his opposition (belief against) changing gun laws?)
What is ... Justin's desire to protect the Second Amendment of the Constitution.