These two components formed the foundation of Reagan's economic policy.
What are tax cuts and reduced government spending?
Reagan's defense philosophy was based on this concept of military buildup.
What is 'Peace through Strength'?
After the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. launched this broad military and political campaign.
What is the War on Terror?
This Iraqi dictator was overthrown during the Second Iraq War.
Who is Saddam Hussein?
This controversial act passed after 9/11 expanded government surveillance powers.
What is the Patriot Act?
Reagan's view on social issues was characterized by this political philosophy.
What is social conservatism?
The state of the Cold War in the late 1980s was characterized by this shift in relations.
What is collapse of communism
This international terrorist organization was founded by Osama bin Laden.
What is Al Qaeda?
This Soviet leader introduced glasnost and perestroika reforms.
Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?
This government department was created after the 9/11 attacks to coordinate anti-terrorism efforts.
What is the Department of Homeland Security?
This controversial affair involved selling weapons to Iran and using the profits to fund Nicaraguan rebels.
What is the Iran-Contra Affair?
This reform policy introduced by Gorbachev means 'openness' and allowed for more freedom of expression in the Soviet Union.
What is Glasnost?
These alleged weapons were the primary justification for the Second Iraq War.
What are Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)?
This terrorist leader founded Al Qaeda and was killed by U.S. forces in 2011.
Who is Osama bin Laden?
This political philosophy advocated for using American power to promote democracy abroad, especially during the Bush administration.
What is neoconservatism?
Reagan's popularity was largely due to this event that occurred early in his presidency.
What is communicting through Television?
This reform policy introduced by Gorbachev means 'restructuring' and was aimed at economic reform in the Soviet Union.
What is Perestroika?
This was the primary cause of the First Iraq War in 1990-1991.
What is Iraq's invasion of Kuwait?
In 1984, this person became the first woman nominated for vice president by a major U.S. political party.
Who is Geraldine Ferraro?
America's position when Clinton took office in 1993 was characterized by this condition.
What is was the lone superpower?
Reagan's views on legalized abortion
What is endorsed goals of Moral Majority?
These were the major factors that led to the end of the Cold War.
What are Soviet economic problems, Gorbachev's reforms, Reagan's military pressure, and popular uprisings in Eastern Europe?
The Second Iraq War was caused by these factors according to the Bush administration.
What are WMDs, alleged ties to terrorism, and spreading democracy?
This person was considered the most effective speaker for conservative causes during the 1980s.
Who is Ronald Reagan?
The Reagan administration's approach to governance can be summarized by this philosophy about government's role.
What is 'Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem'?