Collision of Cultures
Rise of Empires
Lucky 13
Colonial Life
You Say You Want a Revolution?
This man proposed an expedition to prove that by sailing west from Europe, he could find a direct path to Asia. He hit the Bahamas instead.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
This man began the Reformation, which split Christianity first into Protestants and Catholics and later in to multiple denominations. This also sparked multiple wars across Europe.
Who is Martin Luther?
This man founded Rhode Island after being arrested in Massachusetts. He believed in separation of church and state, paying natives for their land, and that Christian did not necessarily need organized churches.
Who is Roger Williams?
This event lasted from roughly 1700 and 1750. It was a massive religious revival that eventually caused splits within the Puritan and Anglican churches.
What is the Great Awakening?
This colonial war between the French and the English caused massive debt.
What is the French and Indian War?
This civilization founded their empire in the 1300s near modern day Mexico City. It was a very advanced civilization with roads, literacy, and a rudimentary sewage system.
Who is the Aztec?
This was the first English colony in America. It was on an island off of what is today North Carolina. It failed.
What is Roanoke?
This man wanted to found Maryland as a proprietary colony and as a haven for Catholics. Eventually the colony became majority Protestant, because he allowed non-Catholics to come.
Who is George Calvert, Lord Baltimore?
This position was appointed by the king to each colony and had the political power to command the militia within the colonial government. He did not have the power to pass laws.
What is a royal governor?
This prime minister passed the Sugar Act, Quartering Act, and Stamp Act.
Who is George Grenville?
During this event, natives in Santa Fe revolted against Spanish rule and pushed the Spanish out of New Mexico.
What was the Pueblo Revolt?
These were used to finance English exploration. Everyone pools their money and shares the risk of establishing a colony.
What is a joint stock company?
These people believed in a personal and direct relationship with Christ and God, pacifism, and equality. They were the first abolitionists in America.
What are Quakers?
This leading thinker of the Enlightenment argued that government is a contract, a two-way street, between the people and the government set up to protect the people's rights to life, liberty, and property. If the government acts in a manner that violates the people's rights, the people can remove the government.
Who is John Locke?
These acts closed the port of Boston, abolished the Massachusetts colonial assembly, changed the colonial judicial system, and reinforced the Quartering Act.
What is the Intolerable (Coercive) Acts?
This man conquered the Inca. By doing so, he opened up South America to further conquest by the Spanish.
Who is Pizarro?
This guaranteed every person who came to Virginia fifty acres.
What is the Headright System?
This man founded Georgia as a social experiment to provide a place for debtors. The colony would also serve as a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and the wealthy Carolinas.
Who is James Oglethorpe?
This event prompted the passage of laws concerning slavery in South Carolina. A group of slaves rose up and killed about 25 white people. The rebellion was crushed, and about 200 slaves were executed.
What is the Stono Rebellion?
Passed by Virginia, this was a protest against the Stamp Act, proposed by Patrick Henry, arguing that the colonies could not be taxed without their consent.
What is the Virginia Resolves?
This idea, prevalent in most of Europe in the 16th and 17th century, stated that all nations were locked in an economic battle with one another and there could only be one winner. In order to be the winner, nations needed colonies to make the mother country wealthy.
What is mercantilism?
This system allowed people to gain passage to America in exchange for a contract of labor.
What is indentured servitude?
This is the main difference between the Puritans who founded Massachusetts Bay and the Pilgrims.
What is separatism/non-separatism?
This leading thinker of the Enlightenment wrote a textbook on political science. He argued that England had the best government, because it had a separation of powers.
Who is Baron Montesquieu?
This company got a virtual monopoly on tea, which made the colonists very angry. Angry enough to dump the tea into Boston Harbor.
What is the British East India Company?