Prologue- 2

. How old is Lale when the story opens?

(a) 18 years old.

(b) 50 years old.

(c) 25 years old.

(d) 75 years old.

C 25


19. How does Lale feel about women?

(a) He loves them all.

(b) He is jealous of them.

(c) He cannot stand them.

(d) He is afraid of them.

(a) He loves them all.


2. What is Lale wearing when readers first see him?
(a) A heavy wool sweater and slacks.
(b) A suit and tie.
(c) A Russian Army uniform.
(d) A t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

B Suit and Tie


20. What is the setting of the dream Lale has after he has arrived at the camp?

(a) The tavern behind his house.

(b) His old grade school.

(c) The department store where he used to work.

(d) The living room of his childhood home.

(c) The department store where he used to work.


3. Where was Lale born?

(a) Krakow, Poland.

(b) Berlin, Germany.

(c) Paris, France.

(d) Krompachy, Slovakia.

(d) Krompachy, Slovakia.


21. Which of the following is NOT a perk of being the Tattooist?

(a) He gets extra rations.

(b) He gets to eat in the administration building.

(c) He gets his own room.

(d) He gets paid to do his job.

(d) He gets paid to do his job.


4. What is the translation for the slogan that appears on the gate to the camp?

(a) Work makes you free.

(b) This is the point of no return.

(c) Fear us deadly.

(d) Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

(a) Work makes you free.


22. What does Lale do with his extra rations?

(a) He gives them back to the cook so there will be more for someone else.

(b) He sells them to other prisoners.

(c) He uses them to feed his friends.

(d) He puts them under his mattress so he can eat them later.

(c) He uses them to feed his friends.


5. What is the name of the camp that Lale is taken to?

(a) Dachau.

(b) Treblinka.

(c) Bergen-Belsen.

(d) Auschwitz.

(d) Auschwitz.


23. What day of the week is Lale usually able to see Gita?

(a) Wednesday.

(b) Sunday.

(c) Monday.

(d) Friday.

(b) Sunday.


6. Who was the commander of the camp where Lale was taken?

(a) Heinrich Himmler.

(b) Theodore Eicke.

(c) Rudolf Hoess.

(d) Adolph Wercht.

(c) Rudolf Hoess.


24. Which of the following is NOT true of Baretski?

(a) He has a severe case of acne.

(b) He is skinny with a cruel smirk.

(c) He talks about women like he is a teenager.

(d) He is a year younger than Lale.

(a) He has a severe case of acne.


7. What number is tattooed on Lale's arm?

(a) 32407.

(b) 111999.

(c) 56900.

(d) 215.

(c) 56900.


25. What is Baretski's nationality?
(a) Romanian.
(b) Polish.
(c) French.
(d) German.

(a) Romanian.


8. What colour ink is used to make the tattoos show up on the skin?

(a) Green ink.

(b) Blue ink.

(c) Red ink.

(d) Black ink.

(a) Green ink.


26. Where does Gita work?
(a) In the kitchen.
(b) In the munitions factory.
(c) In the infirmary.
(d) In "Canada."

(d) In "Canada."


9. What does Lale have stashed inside his jacket pocket?

(a) Money.

(b) Photographs of his family.

(c) Extra food.

(d) False papers.

(a) Money.


27. What job does Gita perform where she works?
(a) She tattoos the female prisoners.
(b) She sorts the belongings confiscated from the other prisoners.
(c) She finds food in the woods.
(d) She nurses the sick.

(b) She sorts the belongings confiscated from the other prisoners.


10. What is Lale's last act of his free will upon arriving at the camp?

(a) He prays loudly for God to deliver him.

(b) He punches a SS guard.

(c) He holds onto his suitcase.

(d) He sets fire to his clothes.

(c) He holds onto his suitcase.


28. What is the line that Lale considers as his first words to Gita?
(a) "Let's plan to escape together so we can have a future."
(b) "I feel like I've known you forever."
(c) "You'd be prettier if you didn't have to shave your head."
(d) "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

(d) "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
