Why Websites?

"Restaurants near me" is the Xth most common search on Google

86th meaning a LOT of people are searching for restaurants online!


T/F: Customers MUST have OO in order to purchase websites 

TRUE. However, if a customer already has OO pro, you need to downsell OOP first before upselling websites. 


T/F: As menu items: names, descriptions or prices are changed in the backend, they will update automatically on the website.

True. This also tells Google that this website gets updated regularly, which means it's more reliable and the site will index higher, which boosts SEO. Even 86ing a menu item will make it appear OOO. 


What is the price of websites

$150: $75 for OO and $75 for websitess with SKU Websites Upgrade SUB044

Additional locations being added to a Website: $37.50 (50% discount)


What percentage of restaurants have a website?

90% of prospects and customers have a website meaning your prospects already see the value


T/F: customers can build their website and launch it before they use POS

True: Cxs can build their website landing page and pay $0/mo until POS go-live


T/F the website builder comes with its own templates to choose from 



True/False: Customers need to have a registered domain name to use Toast Websites.

True – Customers must purchase their own domain name either through Toast partner, Entri, or their registrar of choice (e.g. GoDaddy, Google Domains, etc.). Customers update their DNS settings in their registrar to point to the website we build for them using a self guided process via Entri within the website dashboard.


What percentage of guests visit a restaurant's website before dining in or ordering takeout?

77% meaning making a good first impression online is essential to driving more visits and orders to grow sales


True/False: the maximum number of pages we’ll build for Websites is 20?

False–Websites can have as many links and pages as the customer desires!


True/False: if a website churns off Toast, we can transfer their content off their website.

False: Content would not be transferable. When transferring website hosts it is generally common that you lose the design content.


How much is the "Do it with me" onboarding option for websites?

$250 Best fit cx:

  • Non-tech or design savvy cx

  • Needs coaching on the website tool and basic design skills

Expectations to set:

  • OC builds the structure

  • 30 mins consultation which includes:
    • Domain help

    • Build & go live help


  • Website onboarding happens at the same time as the entire guest suite set up (post CSD)


What are two discovery questions we could ask for websites?

  • [NRO] Are you planning to have a website?
  • How are you driving more online orders?
  • How are you creating a consistent brand experience between your website, OO and in store?
  • Walk me through how you make updates to your website?
  • How often are you making changes to your website?
  • I see you're advertising a bunch of solutions (online ordering, reservations etc) on your website–How many providers is that total?

Who provides the photography for websites?

The customer provides their own photography


True/False: Websites comes with pixel tracking functionality such as Google Analytics



How much is the "Do it yourself" onboarding option for websites?

Free! Best fit for

  • NROs (longer go-live timeline)

  • cx who has a current websites that is easily transferable over to Toast structure

Expectations to set:

  • $0 until CSD

  • Start building and go-live before POS

  • Access to 24/7 customer care

  • No assistance from onboarding consultants

Name two benefits of using a Toast website vs another website builder

1. Save time: sync in-store and online operations in real time

2. Increase gust traffic and sales by having a discoverable website

3. Build your brand with an easy to implement and professional website

4. Easy to build with customizable templates


What three competitors offer their own website builder?

Square, Clover and SpotOn


Name three products can be integrated with Toast websites?

OO, Toast reservations, gift cards, loyalty, email marketing signup, catering and events, payroll (hiring forms online)


How long will it take to GL?

DIY - If a customer is using the self service tool they will have access to the editor immediately. It can take 20 minutes to a couple hours to fully build out a website. It’s important to understand that much of the information populating on their Toast Website will be added throughout their onboarding.

DIWM - After POS Kickoff call NV team will reach out to the RX within 1-2 weeks to begin onboarding their website. From there it will take 1-3 weeks depending on customer engagement. 
