True or False: 3,206 people younger than age 18 smoke their first cigarette every single day.
Tobacco industry collects nearly $480 million per year from these people.
What is underage smokers?
This is the smoke that comes directly off the tip of a cigarette. This smoke has higher concentration of chemicals because it does not pass through the filter.
What is second hand smoke?
Advertising, adult influence, and peer pressure are the ________.
Reasons young people smoke.
This tobacco product lowers athletic performance and makes it difficult to study and learn.
What is cigarettes?
This is a requirement that all businesses that sell tobacco products pay a fee to obtain a license from the government in exchange for selling the products to consumers.
What is Tobacco Retail Licensing?
Of the 4000 chemicals found in cigarette smoke, how many cause cancer?
What is 43?
The letters EVP stands for:
What is Electronic Vapor Product?