Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8

Add a correct verb:

a) ... a sleepover;

b) ... out with friends;

c) ... jobs around the house;

d) ... playlists;

e) ... e-books.

a) have a sleepover;

b) hang out with friends;

c) do jobs around the house;

d) make playlists;

e) read e-books.


Add the missing word (housework):

a) clear ...;

b) feed ...;

c) load ...;

d) vacuum ...;

e) water ... .

a) clear the table;

b) feed the pet (dog/ cat_;

c) load the dishwasher;

d) vacuum the floor;

e) water the plants .


Guess the words (buildings and their parts):

a) pcalae; 

b) spyscerkra;

c) bcklo of ftlas; 

d) cegilin;

e) rofo;

f) stsair.

a) palace;

b) skyscraper;

c) block of flats;

d) ceiling;

e) roof;

f) stairs.


Add food to the containers:

a) a can of ...;

b) a tin of ...;

c) a carton of ...;

d) a pot of ...;

e) a packet of ...;

f) a bag of ... .

Add food to the containers:

a) a can of ...;

b) a tin of beans/ pineapples/ ...;

c) a carton of milk/ juice;

d) a pot of yoghurt;

e) a packet of crisps;

f) a bag of apples/ potatoes/ ... .


Guess the word:

a) to do some work for free, because you want to help - v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;

b) to look after your little brother or sister - b _ _ _ _ _ _;

c) all actors in a film are called c_ _ _;

d) p_ _ _ is what a film/ book is about;

e) when you are at home all day and don't go out - you s_ _ _  i_.

a) volunteer;

b) babysit;

c) cast;

d) plot;

e) stay in.


Say antonyms for these adverbs:

a) well - ...; 

b) carefully - ...;

c) near - ... ;

d) loudly - ...;

e) early - ... .

a) well - badly

b) carefully - carelessly;

c) near - far;

d) loudly - quietly;

e) early - late.


Guess the animals:

a) It has big eyes and long tail. It lives in the trees in tropical countries - l_ _ _ _;

b) It's big. It has grey skin. It lives in Africa. It's dangerous. - r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;

c) It's a big cat. It's the fastest animal in the world. - c_ _ _ _ _ _;

d) This bird can swim very well. It lives in Antarctica. - p_ _ _ _ _ _;

e) It's big and lives in hot places. It can stay without water for a long time. - c_ _ _ _;

f) It has long neck and brown spots. It eats grass and leaves from trees. - g_ _ _ _ _ _.

a) lemur;

b) rhinoceros;

c) cheetah;

d) penguin;

e) camel;

f) giraffe.


Name the materials: 

a) Books are made from p_________;

b) Boxes are usually made from c________;

c) Coca cola cans are made from a____________;

d) To make cars and bikes are made from s__________;

e) A lot of things are made from p________ these days;

d) Milk bottles are made from plastic or g______.

a) Books are made from p_________;

b) Boxes are usually made from cardboard;

c) Coca cola cans are made from aluminium;

d) To make cars and bikes are made from steel;

e) A lot of things are made from plastic these days.

d) Milk bottles are made from plastic or glass.


Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

1. I ________ dancing a lot! That’s why I joined a dancing course last year.

2. Michelle ________ cooking. She wants to become a chef.

3. Simon doesn’t like _______  to the theatre.

4. I often help my mum with the housework. I ______ mind doing household jobs.

5. My brother _______ stand listening to rock music. He’s a huge hip hop fan.

6 Do you ________ watching TV or going to the cinema?

7 I love ______ out with my friends.

8 My sister _______ doing sports. She prefers lying on the couch and reading books.

1. I enjoy dancing a lot! That’s why I joined a dancing course last year.

2. Michelle loves cooking. She wants to become a chef.

3. Simon doesn’t like going to the theatre.

4. I often help my mum with the housework. I don't mind doing household jobs.

5. My brother can't  stand listening to rock music. He’s a huge hip hop fan.

6 Do you prefer watching TV or going to the cinema?

7 I love hanging out with my friends.

8 My sister hates doing sports. She prefers lying on the couch and reading books.


Look at the table and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. Use the symbols as hints.

1 Gary and Clara ________ allowed to come home after eight o’clock.

2 Gary ______ allowed to stay out late.

3 Clara ______ allowed to stay out late but she _______ allowed to watch TV after ten o’clock.

4 Gary ______ allowed to watch TV after ten o’clock.

5 Gary and Clara ________ allowed to play computer games all day.

1 Gary and Clara are allowed to come home after eight o’clock.

2 Gary is allowed to stay out late.

3 Clara isn't allowed to stay out late but she is allowed to watch TV after ten o’clock.

4 Gary isn't allowed to watch TV after ten o’clock.

5 Gary and Clara aren't allowed to play computer games all day.


Choose the correct words:

1. Gina is 1,55 cm tall and Donna is 1,55 cm tall. Donna is just as tall than / as Gina.

2. I prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla ice cream. Vanilla ice cream is just / not as tasty as chocolate ice cream.

3. Water is less expensive than / as milk.

4. Bob likes playing tennis more than playing squash. He thinks squash is less / least exciting.

5. Jessica wants to work in a library because she

believes that it’s the / than least stressful job in the


6. On the safari trip we saw tigers, lions, elephants and zebras. The zebras are the less / least dangerous of them.

Choose the correct words:

1. Gina is 1,55 cm tall and Donna is 1,55 cm tall. Donna is just as tall as Gina.

2. I prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla ice cream. Vanilla ice cream is not as tasty as chocolate ice cream.

3. Water is less expensive than milk.

4. Bob likes playing tennis more than playing squash. He thinks squash is less exciting.

5. Jessica wants to work in a library because she believes that it’s the least stressful job in the world.

6. On the safari trip we saw tigers, lions, elephants and zebras. The zebras are the least dangerous of them.


Choose the correct answer:

a) My nephew was amusing / amused by the clown.

b)  I'm feeling depressing / depressed, so I'm going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book.

c) He was frightening / frightened when he saw the spider.

d) That film was so depressing / depressed! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.

e) We are going in a helicopter? How exciting / excited!

f)  Don't show my baby photos to people, Mum! It's so embarrassing / embarrassed!

a) My nephew was amused by the clown.

b)  I'm feeling  depressed, so I'm going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book.

c) He was  frightened when he saw the spider.

d) That film was so depressing! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.

e) We are going in a helicopter? How exciting!

f)  Don't show my baby photos to people, Mum! It's so embarrassing!


Choose the correct word.

A: Hey Vanessa, have you heard the latest Adele song 1) already / yet?

B: Yes, I 2) has / have. It’s great!

A: I agree! I have 3) already / yet bought her new album.

B: Really? You’re fast! It has 4) just / yet come out.

A: You know, I’m a huge Adele fan, just like my sister Jessica.

B: Have you read Adele’s biography?

A: I 5) has / have but Jessica 6) hasn’t / haven’t. Let’s buy it for her birthday!

B: Well, I’ve 7) already / yet found a nice present for her, but we can buy the book, too.

A: Ok! I can’t wait for her birthday party! I haven’t been to a real party 8) just / yet.

A: Hey Vanessa, have you heard the latest Adele song  yet?

B: Yes, I  have. It’s great!

A: I agree! I have already bought her new album.

B: Really? You’re fast! It has  just come out.

A: You know, I’m a huge Adele fan, just like my sister Jessica.

B: Have you read Adele’s biography?

A: I  have but Jessica hasn’t. Let’s buy it for her birthday!

B: Well, I’ve already found a nice present for her, but we can buy the book, too.

A: Ok! I can’t wait for her birthday party! I haven’t been to a real party yet.


Use correct form of have to (have to/ has to, don't have to/ doesn't have to):

1) You _____ do something to solve this problem. 

2) You _______ drive so fast; we have a lot of time.

3) We ______cook more; there's enough food.

4) Andy _______ help his brother.

5) My daughter _____ cook, because I cook for the family. 

6) You ______  do it if you don't want to.

1) You have to do something to solve this problem. 

2) You don't have to drive so fast; we have a lot of time.

3) We don't have to cook more; there's enough food.

4) Andy has to help his brother.

5) My daughter doesn't have to cook, because I cook for the family. 

6) You don't have to do it if you don't want to.


Complete the phrases to give recommendations:

a) Can you r________ a good cafe?

b) You c______ try Vasilki.

c) I think you'll l_____ Pizza tempo better.

d) Thank you. I think I'll t____ Vasilki.

e) You've been very h_________.

a) Can you recommend a good cafe?

b) You could/ can try Vasilki.

c) I think you'll like Pizza tempo better.

d) Thank you. I think I'll try Vasilki.

e) You've been very helpful.


Complete the sentences with Present Simple Passive (be + V3):

1 Our rubbish (collect) once a week.

2 Paper cups (recycle).

3 Fruit and vegetables (compost).

4. Sometimes the waste (not sort) correctly.

5. Dirty clothes (wash) in a washing machine.

6. Bicycles (not repair) in a car repair shop.

7. Butter (make) from milk.

1 Our rubbish is collected once a week.

2 Paper cups is recycled.

3 Fruit and vegetables are composted.

4. Sometimes the waste isn't sorted correctly.

5. Dirty clothes are washed in a washing machine.

6. Bicycles isn't repaired in a car repair shop.

7. Butter is made from milk.


Complete the sentences with the correct Present Perfect forms of the verbs in brackets and choose for or since.

1 I (live) in this city since / for I was a child.

2 Rob’s father (work) as a car mechanic since / for many years.

3 Melanie (want) to become a singer since / for she was ten.

4 We (be) away on holiday since / for last week.

5 Sharon and Jack (not be) to the cinema since / for a long time.

6 Mark (not see) his cousins since / for ages.

7 A: How long (you/have) this bicycle? Is it new?

B: No, it isn’t. I (have) it since / for more than one year.

1 I have lived in this city since  I was a child.

2 Rob’s father has worked as a car mechanic for many years.

3 Melanie has wanted to become a singer since she was ten.

4 We have been away on holiday since  last week.

5 Sharon and Jack (not be) to the cinema since / for a long time.

6 Mark (not see) his cousins since / for ages.

7 A: How long have you had this bicycle? Is it new?

B: No, it isn’t. I have had it for more than one year.


Give a recommendation with should:

a) I cut my finger. - ...

b) I have a stomach bug. - ...

c) I sprained my ankle. - ...

d) I have a sunburn. - ...

e) I think I broke my arm. - ...

e) Someone fainted. - ...

a) You should clean it, put a plaster on it.

b) You should call a doctor and drink lots of water.

c) You should put an ice pack on it and rest.

d) You should put cream on it.

e) You should call an ambulance.

f) You should put a bandage on it.


Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

1. I think tea with sugar tastes ____ better.

a) a few; b) a little; c) one or two.

2. There are ____ different animals in the zoo.

a) much; b) a little; c) a lot of.

3. Hurry up! We haven’t got _____ time.

a) much; b) many; c) a little.

4. I didn’t buy ______ souvenirs in Spain, just one or two.

a) much; b) many; c) a few.

5. Greg hasn’t got ______ money to buy a new mobile phone.

a) enough; b) a little; c) a few.

6. Ann’s stomach hurts. I think she has eaten _______ sweets.

a) too much; b) too many; c) enough.

1. I think tea with sugar tastes a little better.

2. There are a lot of different animals in the zoo.

3. Hurry up! We haven’t got much time.

4. I didn’t buy many souvenirs in Spain, just one or two.

5. Greg hasn’t got enough money to buy a new mobile phone.

6. Ann’s stomach hurts. I think she has eaten too many sweets.


Transform Active Voice into Passive (Present or Past Simple Passive):

a) Fleming discovered penicillin. - ... 

b) They speak Italian in Italy. - ...

c) The storm destroyed the house. - ... 

d) The policemen help the children. - ...

e) Somebody builds new houses every year. - 

f) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers. - ...

a) Fleming discovered penicillin. - Penicillin was discovered by Fleming.

b) They speak Italian in Italy. - Italian is spoken in Italy.

c) The storm destroyed the house. - The house was destroyed by the storm. 

d) The policemen help the children. - The children are helped by the policemen.

e) Somebody builds new houses every year. - New houses are built every year.

f) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers. - Five hamburgers were eaten by Tom and Max.
