Sciense fiction film
ScienCe fiction film
Type of film about space, future, different planets
Science fiction film
If you don't wash your hands before eating, you can catch ....
a stomach bug
I have ... visited 10 countries.
A already
B yet
A already
Have you seen this film already?
Have you seen this film yet?
Special affects
Special Effects
A role that an actor plays in the film
After meals you clear the table and what do you do with the dishes?
do the washing-up/load the dishwasher
I haven't seen my friend ... April.
A for
B since
B since
I've wanted to act in films for I was a child.
since I was a child
Vacume my room
VacUUm my room
A piece of a film story, usually it's set in one place
if you sprain your ankle, you should...
put an ice pack/put a bandage
I can't stand ... board games.
A play
B playing
B playing
How long did you live here? - for 5 years.
How long have you lived here?
Pull a musle
Pull a musCle
An activity which means not to go to bed for a long time, for example, go to sleep at 3am
Stay up late
When you spend a night at your friend's house, you have ...
a sleepover
She ... to do many jobs aroun the house.
A doesn't have
B hasn't
A doesn't have
He doesn't allowed to stay out late.
He isn't allowed to stay out late.
Catch a stomack bug
Catch a stomacH bug
It's an illness, when someone feels bad and falls on the floor
I don't like ... - I prefer listening to any music.
making playlists
They ... allowed to take things without asking.
A don't
B aren't
B aren't
They hadn't to go to school last summer.
They didn't have to go to school last summer.