Verb Tenses
Main Ideas

He is running ___ school.

Which preposition should be used: 

to, since, or through?


He is running to school.


Yesterday, we ______ to school. 

Which verb should be used:

Walked, will walk, or walks?


Yesterday, we walked to school.


(YOU READ!!) “Hurry up! You’re walking so slow,” Jim said as he walked into the dark cave. 

“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” Mary replied.

What can we infer?

A. Jim and Mary are not good friends. 

B. Jim is always getting into trouble. 

C. They will get lost in the dark cave. 

D. Mary is unsure about going into the cave.  

What is one details that tells you this?


Mary is unsure about going into the cave.



Rohan walked into his bedroom. It was a mess! Rohan put his toys in the toy box. He put his clothes in his closet. He put his books on the bookshelf. Next, he made his bed. Then, his room was nice and clean!

What's the main idea?

A.) Rohan put his toys in the toy box.

B.) Rohan cleaned his room.

C.) Rohan walked into his bedroom.

What are two details? Please be specific!!


Rohan cleaned his room.


The team was _____ the jet. 

Which preposition should be used:

into, on, or since?


The team was on the jet.


Tomorrow, the family _________ to Florida. 

Which verb tense should be used:

Flew, fly, or will fly?


Tomorrow, the family will fly to Florida.


(YOU READ) Sonia was already tired as she brushed her teeth and combed her hair. She left her bathroom and set her alarm for 6:00am and then she laid down in her bed.

What can you infer about Sonia?

A.) She is getting ready for school.

B.) Sonia is getting ready to go to sleep.

C.) Sonia is getting ready to go to a dance.

What are two details that you tell you that?


Sonia is getting ready to go to bed and sleep!!



Corrine was busy preparing for her wedding. She made invitations by hand. She bought a beautiful wedding dress. She tasted different kinds of cake, and decided she wanted a cheesecake. Corrine spent many hours each day planning. She wanted her wedding to be perfect.

What is the main idea?

A.) Corrine wanted a cheesecake. 

B.) Corrine made her invitations

C.) Corrine prepared for her wedding.

What are two details? Please be specific!


Corrine prepared for her wedding


The boy played ______ Legos. 

Which preposition should be used:

out, under, or with?


The boy played with Legos.


Next month, Andy will celebrate his birthday.

Is the verb past, present, or future?



Stars are in the sky. Long ago, people used the stars to navigate to different places. They also did not have clocks like we do today. Sailors used the stars to know where to sail to. People used the places that the stars were at in the sky to help them know when they should plant seeds.

What can you infer?

A.) Stars were too big in the sky.

B.) Stars were better long ago.

C.) Stars were very important to people.

What are two details? Please be specific!!


Stars were very important to people.


I have a dog whose name is Paco. He is almost 10 years old. Paco is very loveable with a brown face and short black fur. He is one of my best friends. He plays with me, sleeps with me, and goes on walks with me. I am so glad to have him around. I love him.

What is the main idea?

A.) The dog’s name is Paco. 

B. Everyone should have a dog. 

C. The writer's dog is an important part of his life. 

D. The dog is cute and sweet

What are two details? Be specific!!


The writer's dog is an important part of his life.


Batman led the team _____ the forest.

Which preposition should be used:

through, since, or with?


Batman led the team through the forest.


Ben ordered calzones for dinner last night.

Is the verb present, past, or future?



Earth's surface is always changing. Wind crumbles rock and soil. Volcanoes erupt. Both of these things change the way the earth looks. Changes happen on earth all the time, and they occur in the ocean and on land. Underwater volcanoes add more land to our planet. Lava forms islands in the ocean.

What can we infer?

A.) Volcanoes are powerful.

B.) Changes only happen on earth's surface.

C.) Lava is the only thing that causes changes on earth.

What are two details? Please be specific!!


Volcanoes are powerful.


Eric gripped the bat in his hands. His palms were sweaty, but he took a deep breath as he stepped up to the plate. He had to score a run, or his team would lose the game. When the pitcher threw a fastball, Eric’s reflexes took over and he heard the “Crack!” of the bat hitting the ball. His heart raced with excitement as he ran to first base. He was safe!

What is the main idea?

A. Eric plays baseball. 

B. Eric scores a homerun. 

C. How to play baseball. 

D. Eric overcomes his nerves and makes it to first base.

What are two details? Please be specific!!


Eric overcomes his nerves and makes it to first base.


Batman hung his coat ________ the door. 

Which preposition should be used:

in, for, or behind?


Batman hung his coat behind the door.


Leslie ______ in the election, today. 

Which verb should be used:

Voted, votes, will vote?


Leslie votes in the election, today. 


James had a fear of trying out for the school play. He liked singing and acting, but he was just too afraid to try out for anything. "You remind me of how I was a long time ago," his grandfather said. His words were warm and wise. "I once did not have any confidence. But I realized that I could do anything if I at least try," his grandfather added.

What can we infer?

A.) James's grandfather was trying to encourage him to try out for the play.

B.) His grandfather wanted to make James feel bad.

C.) His grandfather was trying to cheer James up.

What are two details? Please be specific!!


James's grandfather was trying to encourage him to try out for the play.


Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who were inventors, even from a young age when they built kites and bicycles. Many people credit the Wright Brothers with designing and building the first successful airplane. In 1903, their first flight only lasted 12 seconds, but it continues to inspire people all over the world to learn about science and math, to work hard to realize their dreams, and to use imagination to achieve success. 

What is the main idea? 

A.) The Wright Brothers worked hard. 

B.) The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people. 

C.) Inventors build kites and bicycles. 

D.) The first flight was in 1903.

What are two details? Be specific!!


The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.
