This is the name for the 5 lines and 4 spaces music is written on.
What is the Staff?
This term means to start quiet, then play or sing gradually louder.
What is a Crescendo?
This is the term for the speed at which a piece of music is performed.
What is Tempo?
This is the term for a musical sentence, often 4 or 8 measures long
What is a Phrase?
This symbol raises the pitch of a note by a half step
What is a Sharp?
A vertical line that divides the staff into measures
What is a Bar Line?
This term means to play or sing softly.
What is Piano?
This term indicates a fast tempo
What is Allegro?
This is the term for the opening passage of a piece of music
What is an Introduction?
This symbol lowers the pitch of a note by a half step
What is a Flat?
The first 7 letters of the alphabet, used to name notes.
What is the Music Alphabet?
This term indicates a medium-loud volume
What is Mezzo Forte?
This term indicates a medium tempo.
What is Moderato?
This is a type of composition that begins with a melody and continues with different versions of it.
What is Theme and Variation?
This is the distance between two pitches
What is an Interval?
This symbol means to take a breath.
What is a Breath Mark?
This term means to put more emphasis on a note
What is Accent?
This term means to gradually slow the tempo
What is Ritardando (Rit. or Ritard.)? (also would accept Rallentando) (Rall.)
This term indicates that everyone plays or sings the same NOTES.
What is Unisono (Unison, Unis.)?
This is the scale of 12 ascending or descending half steps
What is a Chromatic Scale?
This marking at the beginning of the staff tells you how many beats are in each measure
What is a Time Signature?
This term means to play or sing gradually softer.
What is Decrescendo?
This tempo is described as a walking pace
What is Andante?
This form of music contains three sections, A, B, and A.
What is Ternary Form?
This is the smallest interval used in Western Music.
What is a Half Step?