In 1846 _____ agreed upon the boundaries separating what would become Washington and British Columbia.
(A) when the Canadian and United States governments
(B) the Canadian and United States governments which
(C) with the Canadian and United States governments
(D) the Canadian and the United States governments
More than half of the world's annual yield of 50 million tons of soy beans are grown in the United States.
What word contains all of the twenty six letters?
Larch and spruce trees _____ in bogs and wet areas of the northern United States.
(A) found
(B) are found
(C) have found
(D) finding
Initially introduced in 1852, the gyroscope consists a spinning device, usually in the form of a wheel, that exhibits strong angular momentum.
What is more useful when it is broken?
An egg
Ostrich eggs are larger _____ of any Other living animal; they may be 150 mm long and 127 mm wide and have a shell 1.97 mm thick.
(A) than those
(B) of those
(C) those that
(D) than
The membrane surrounding a single-celled animal or plant or any individual cell in a multicellular organism is important in the respiratory and nutritionally processes of that cell.
How do you make "one" disappear?
_____ where the American craft movement seems to have flourished most vigorously, partly through its association with the Prairie School of Architecture.
(A) The Midwest
(B) The Midwest as
(C) It was the Midwest
(D) Was the Midwest
Some seeds are viable, or capable of growing into healthy plants, for only a few days after fall from the parent tree.
What kind of running means walking?
Running out of gas
_____ to learn about human origins and evolution, the physical anthropologist studies fossil remains and observes the behavior of other primates.
(A) Trying
(B) Is trying
(C) Who trying
(D) He or she tries
Art Deed, a style of a design popular in the 1920's and 1930's, was used primarily in furniture, jeweler, textiles, and interior decoration.
What is a question whose answer means "no" when the answer is actually "yes"?
Do you mind?