Negotiation Vocab
Confusing Words
Verb Tenses
Adjective or Adverb?

Our prices have to be highly _______ if we are going to get the business.

a. competitive

b. copetition

c. concurrent

a. competitive


Office / Desk 

a. a room in which you work.

b. a table at which you work.

a - Office

b - Desk


We ______ a PeopleRoom group that is about all things meal-prep.

a. launch

b. are launching

c. launched

d. were launching

b. are launching


Try our vanilla sponge cake base, which is covered with a _____ layer of raspberry preserves and pastry cream.

a. thin

b. thinly

a. thin


Elliot is going _____ Anthony's house for a party.

a. at

b. to 

c. from

b. to


Could you please ______ your agreement in writing?

a. confirme

b. confirm

c. conform

b. confirm


Salary / Wage 

a. Number of hours worked multiplied by an hourly rate of pay

b. a monthly or annual fixed sum paid for a job to be done. 

a - wage

b - salary


Dear Faculty,

We ______ to let you know that a student in the Digital Marketing Master's program went before a disciplinary committee yesterday for plagiarism.

a. wanted

b. are wanting

c. wants

d. have wanted

a. wanted


The German chocolate cake is _______ layered with cherries and pastry cream.

a. lavish

b. lavishly 

b. lavishly 


Roland had a very hard life and that's why he's _____ prison.

a. at

b. in

c. on

b. in


Don't forget to remain _______ during all your negotiations.

a. wide spirited

b. open-minded

c. inflexible

b. open-minded


Advertising / Publicity

a. a way of making commerical products known to the public, which you pay for

b. a way of making commerical products known to the public, which is free

a - advertising

b - publicity


Your skills and experience ______ an ideal fit for our customer service department.

a. are being

b. will be

c. have been

d. will hope to be

b. will be


Smooth almond marzipan drapes the entire torte, which we ______ garnish with a sugar flower and chocolate.

a. delicate

b. delicately

b. delicately


Relax, you're _____ friends so you can say what you want.

a. among

b. in

c. from

a. among


If we cannot ______ a deal, we shall have to ask an arbitrator.

a. coincide

b. concrete

c. conclude

c. conclude


Company / Society

a. a commerical business, hopefully making a profit

b. a non-profit organisation

a - company

b - society


Lovely California Zinfandel, ______ by Ben Duekmeijian Jr. starts with the foundation of an all-American grape.

a. creates

b. is creating

c. has created

d. created

d. created


We've taken our (1)______ dark chocolate cake and (2)______ brushed it with kirsch cherry brandy liqueeur.

1. signature OR signaturely

2. generous OR generously

1. signature

2. generously


The director's office is just _____ the hall from mine.

a. into

b. among

c. down

c. down


We always require a ______ for custom orders.

a. depot

b. disclosure

c. deposit

c. deposit


Stakeholder / Shareholder

a. a person who has a concern in a business (employee, supplier, etc)

b. person who owns part of the capital of the business

a - stakeholder

b - shareholder


After careful deliberation, the committee _______ the following sanction: he has to repeat his last school year and not receive any financial assistance.

a. gives

b. is giving

c. gave

d. had given

c. gave


Have this (1)______ dish and you'll (2)______ think you're in Germany! 

1. delightful OR delightfully

2. real OR really

1. delightful

2. really


The beach you're looking for is ______ the dunes and next to the giant cliff.

a. among

b. from

c. beyond

a. among
