Number of Shlokas in Bhagvat Geeta
What is 701?
These three are three generations of actors
who are pruthvi, Raj and Randhir OR who are Raj, Randhir and Ranbir
It is the most densely populated state
What is New Jersey?
He was the second President of Bharat
Who is Survapalli Radhakrishna?
It is the largest lake in Gujarat
What is Nal Sarovar?
It is the Vaahan of Indra
who is Airavat, the elephant?
it was the first colored hindi movie
What is Kisan Kanya (1937)?
It is the longest river in USA
What is Missouri?
Number of seats in Indian Parliament/Lok Sabha
what is 543?
Gujarat touches these provinces
What are Rajastan, MP, Maharastra, Pakistan (also dadranagar haveli and Diu in South)
Sita stayed in his ashram after the Agnipariksha
Who is Valmiki Rishi?
She has acted in the most movies in Bollywood
who is Lalita Pawar? acted continuously for 70 years. She made her debut at the age of 12 and appeared in more than 700 films.